Hello wonderful world of blogspot!
Even though I feel as if no one is reading my entries, I still find myself coming back occasionally to update my blog. I was in the shower earlier today and I started thinking about this blog, I knew I had to come back. Things aren't going to well on the fame side of life. I haven't done much acting, unless it is Rocky Horror related. Of course I want to do more movies, but I haven't found any connections like I thought I would. Not to mention, I am obviously not willing to drop out of school to find a movie gig...that would be kinda stupid. On the other hand...if one was offered to me, that would be a different story.
My boyfriend asked me the other day why I don't act anymore. He kinda acted like he thought what I was doing was cool, and now I kinda let him down. Damn, if only things were easier.
I was on the pilot episode of Franklin and Bash! Around 45 minutes in, there is a courtroom scene and the actor Mark Paul is talking to the Jury. Well, there I am right in front. :) !!! You get to see my beautiful face for quite a bit. If only the damn makeup artist didn't put on that bright red lipstick on me right before the director yelled, "ACTION!!!"
I haven't started a YouTube account with this yet, I really think that I should though.
It would be really great if you guys reading this...if there is anyone...would comment or email me. Just so I can have some motivation to keep going. I would love to connect with all of you. To hear what you truly feel about what I am doing. So even if you are not subscribed to my blog...leave a comment!!
If anyone is free tomorrow night and lives in the Atlanta area, I will be playing Janet (lead female role) at Rocky Horror which shows at the Plaza Theatre at Midnight. I hope to see you all there! Make sure that you say hello to me at the end of the show. I will be waiting with the rest of the cast right outside the theatre doors.
<3 Always,
Hey again, I absolutely think you should continue. If you can do it, then I will feel like I can do it too. I have a very similar blog (which I've previously mentioned before) and I think it would be great to have someone else doing this that I can network with. Thanks for your time. I hope you see this!
Thanks for the positive reinforcement! I want to continue so badly, but I often feel like it is such a waste. I wish I knew a way to jump start this!
Sorry, I'm replying late, didn't know you replied! But I'm glad you are continuing, I can tell you have a passion for it. And yes, a jump start would be pretty awesome!
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