Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Small Update Once Again

Day 45
So I promised that I would keep you guys updated about any possible media that may come my way. I did receive a text message from a woman at CBS and she has thanked me for being patient, and she will call me when she gets a free moment. So this is good news, because it means that I will be getting a call from CBS sometime soon. Yay!

So I have spent all day promoting my blog as well. I have been all over twitter on the pages Dance2616 and Journey_to_Fame. If you are willing to follow me, follow both!

I also ordered 250 business cards on only 8 bucks. AWESOME!

So, I don't have much more to say today. Still pretty sick from a cold/sinus infection so I'm not really feeling up for writing.

See you all later!
P.s. Please subscribe to my blog!

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Get better...i fought a cold for 5 days too