Day 145
Yes you heard it right people!! The Push Back Project has now been sponsored!! Gyro Gyro, a Greek restaurant, has stepped up to the plate and sponsored us. Make sure to get on over to their website, check out the menu, drop in, and find something to eat one day! Our t-shirts will be there soon, so keep a look out for that too!
Now, as far as that talent agency goes... The appointment kept getting rescheduled, and other things kept happening, so never happened. No worries though. Time will show whats in the future. :D
Please check out The Push Back Project on twitter @ PushBackProject
and please like our Facebook page The Push Back Project
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Push Back Project
Day 137
So things have been moving quite well for me lately in both the acting world and the anti bullying world. Lets begin with the bullying world. So my friend Taylor and I recently both decided to take the fight against bullying to a whole new level. We are both working together to start a non for profit organization called The Push Back Project. Today we met up and talked about specifics. We also contacted Q100 and asked them to join us. Then, we did something that I thought I wouldn't do for a while. We both went to Dunwoody High School, (my old school), and we talked to the principal there about getting them in on our program. Things went well because we are meeting him for an official meeting on the second of January.
In the acting world, the news is this... I will be meeting with a talent agency tomorrow at 1pm. YAY! Hopefully things go well with that. I am going to try and get a commercial or something tv related going soon. Anyways, I will update you guys tomorrow on what happens!
So things have been moving quite well for me lately in both the acting world and the anti bullying world. Lets begin with the bullying world. So my friend Taylor and I recently both decided to take the fight against bullying to a whole new level. We are both working together to start a non for profit organization called The Push Back Project. Today we met up and talked about specifics. We also contacted Q100 and asked them to join us. Then, we did something that I thought I wouldn't do for a while. We both went to Dunwoody High School, (my old school), and we talked to the principal there about getting them in on our program. Things went well because we are meeting him for an official meeting on the second of January.
In the acting world, the news is this... I will be meeting with a talent agency tomorrow at 1pm. YAY! Hopefully things go well with that. I am going to try and get a commercial or something tv related going soon. Anyways, I will update you guys tomorrow on what happens!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
So sorry that it has been a month!!
Day 125
Hey guys! First off I wanted to apologize to my readers about me being gone for so long. I especially wanted to apologize to my friend "Ray" for not being there for him recently due to the fact that I have been so stressed out lately.
So here is what you have missed. I ran into a girl from my past that I realized recently I wasn't being as nice to her as I could have been because I was jealous of her. I went up to her right away and apologized and told her she didn't deserve it and it was horrible of me. Luckily she accepted my apology and we have been acting like it never happened now. We message each other on Facebook all the time now just to see how the other is doing. Apologizing to her was probably the best thing I have ever done.
In other news, on 11/11/11 I went home and saw that the cat that saved my life two years ago was in and out of the bathroom, but wasn't going to the bathroom. I also noticed that when he would sit on the ground, there would be blood on it. Immediately I called the vet to make sure that he was okay, and they asked me to bring him in ASAP. Once they got there, they told me it was a bladder infection and it wasn't that big of a deal. However, then came the bad news. The vet said to me, "Does he always breathe so heavy?" I told her, "Yeah, I asked the groomer about it once and she said that it was completely normal." She responded with, "Don't ever trust your groomer." She told me she wanted to get an X-ray of his chest to make sure everything was okay, so she did. That was when she came into the waiting room very quickly and talking quickly. She showed me the X-ray of a normal cat and of Simon. Simon's lungs were barely visible. They filled with fluid and were unable to expand.
She then told me she had to drain the fluid and said that the fluid might come back. I don't remember what she said after that, but it lead me to ask the question, "Will he die?" and she responded with, "I don't know." That was it. I broke down. Simon was my life. I loved Simon more than anything. I left him at the vets office for a couple of hours for his treatment while I went to my preoperative appointment for my breast augmentation. When I was there I got a phone call telling me that Simon was much better and they were able to get A LOT of fluid out of him. They told me he seemed to be happy wand was purring a lot. After my appointment I went to the vet's office to pick him up. I brought him to my house and practically never left his side. I told him how much I loved him and that I was so thankful that he was okay.
For a couple days I kept him on a certain diet, bought him a water fountain so he would drink more, and gave him his medication three times a day. This was when I noticed that Simon had been throwing up his medication around the house. I also noticed that his breathing pattern was bad again. I called the vet and asked them if this was normal. They then made another appointment for him and asked me to bring him in. They told me that his fluid was back and that they were thinking he might not make it. They said there a series of tests including ultrasounds and X-rays that they could do to see if it is something that has a cure or not that they could run. Knowing that I love my cat more than life itself, I said...RUN IT!
Once Simon was stable, I took him to the animal hospital and checked him in. For the next several days Simon stayed in the ICU and went through some tests. I wanted to save his life, no matter how much it would cost. I came every day during visiting hours and petted him. Sometimes I was only able to see him for a moment, but it was okay with me. After all the tests were run, I got another phone call telling me that all the tests came back inconclusive and that Simon's quality of life wouldn't be a great one. They said if I kept letting him live like this he would be suffering and that eventually he might not be able to breathe on his own. I knew then, that I had to put him to sleep.
Putting Simon to sleep was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Spencer was with me the whole time, even he was on the verge of tears. I was there during the procedure. I watched them do the whole thing. He was there, and then he wasn't. After he was gone all I wanted to do was hold him. I let them take him away from me after a few minutes. They told me I could spend as much time with him as I wanted, but I knew I didn't want to end up sitting with him alone. I was already hyperventilating when the doctor was in the room, the last thing I needed was to have a complete melt down while being alone.
Simon died on 11/17/2011 ... exactly two years after he saved my life. I miss him every single day.
The next day I went in for my surgery. I was in a lot of pain for a while, and I was pretty drugged up for a while. I also spent a lot of my time mourning over Simon's death. I brought Bella, Simon's sister, to meet the rest of Spencer's pets, this way she will never have to be alone. She seems to be doing well now.
These days I have been working every moment of every day trying to finish my school projects, essays, and studying for finals. I haven't had much time to settle down. I still cry about Simon. I have NEVER felt so much love for anything.
The photo that I have put on this entry is the photo in which I intend on using in a picture box where I will hold Simon's ashes. It is the first picture that I have ever taken of Simon. This is my favorite picture because it portrays Simon in such an amazing way. He was always so curious of his surroundings. He was never shy, he just wanted love.
RIP Simon, my baby boy.
Hey guys! First off I wanted to apologize to my readers about me being gone for so long. I especially wanted to apologize to my friend "Ray" for not being there for him recently due to the fact that I have been so stressed out lately.
So here is what you have missed. I ran into a girl from my past that I realized recently I wasn't being as nice to her as I could have been because I was jealous of her. I went up to her right away and apologized and told her she didn't deserve it and it was horrible of me. Luckily she accepted my apology and we have been acting like it never happened now. We message each other on Facebook all the time now just to see how the other is doing. Apologizing to her was probably the best thing I have ever done.
In other news, on 11/11/11 I went home and saw that the cat that saved my life two years ago was in and out of the bathroom, but wasn't going to the bathroom. I also noticed that when he would sit on the ground, there would be blood on it. Immediately I called the vet to make sure that he was okay, and they asked me to bring him in ASAP. Once they got there, they told me it was a bladder infection and it wasn't that big of a deal. However, then came the bad news. The vet said to me, "Does he always breathe so heavy?" I told her, "Yeah, I asked the groomer about it once and she said that it was completely normal." She responded with, "Don't ever trust your groomer." She told me she wanted to get an X-ray of his chest to make sure everything was okay, so she did. That was when she came into the waiting room very quickly and talking quickly. She showed me the X-ray of a normal cat and of Simon. Simon's lungs were barely visible. They filled with fluid and were unable to expand.
She then told me she had to drain the fluid and said that the fluid might come back. I don't remember what she said after that, but it lead me to ask the question, "Will he die?" and she responded with, "I don't know." That was it. I broke down. Simon was my life. I loved Simon more than anything. I left him at the vets office for a couple of hours for his treatment while I went to my preoperative appointment for my breast augmentation. When I was there I got a phone call telling me that Simon was much better and they were able to get A LOT of fluid out of him. They told me he seemed to be happy wand was purring a lot. After my appointment I went to the vet's office to pick him up. I brought him to my house and practically never left his side. I told him how much I loved him and that I was so thankful that he was okay.
For a couple days I kept him on a certain diet, bought him a water fountain so he would drink more, and gave him his medication three times a day. This was when I noticed that Simon had been throwing up his medication around the house. I also noticed that his breathing pattern was bad again. I called the vet and asked them if this was normal. They then made another appointment for him and asked me to bring him in. They told me that his fluid was back and that they were thinking he might not make it. They said there a series of tests including ultrasounds and X-rays that they could do to see if it is something that has a cure or not that they could run. Knowing that I love my cat more than life itself, I said...RUN IT!
Once Simon was stable, I took him to the animal hospital and checked him in. For the next several days Simon stayed in the ICU and went through some tests. I wanted to save his life, no matter how much it would cost. I came every day during visiting hours and petted him. Sometimes I was only able to see him for a moment, but it was okay with me. After all the tests were run, I got another phone call telling me that all the tests came back inconclusive and that Simon's quality of life wouldn't be a great one. They said if I kept letting him live like this he would be suffering and that eventually he might not be able to breathe on his own. I knew then, that I had to put him to sleep.
Putting Simon to sleep was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Spencer was with me the whole time, even he was on the verge of tears. I was there during the procedure. I watched them do the whole thing. He was there, and then he wasn't. After he was gone all I wanted to do was hold him. I let them take him away from me after a few minutes. They told me I could spend as much time with him as I wanted, but I knew I didn't want to end up sitting with him alone. I was already hyperventilating when the doctor was in the room, the last thing I needed was to have a complete melt down while being alone.
Simon died on 11/17/2011 ... exactly two years after he saved my life. I miss him every single day.
The next day I went in for my surgery. I was in a lot of pain for a while, and I was pretty drugged up for a while. I also spent a lot of my time mourning over Simon's death. I brought Bella, Simon's sister, to meet the rest of Spencer's pets, this way she will never have to be alone. She seems to be doing well now.
These days I have been working every moment of every day trying to finish my school projects, essays, and studying for finals. I haven't had much time to settle down. I still cry about Simon. I have NEVER felt so much love for anything.
The photo that I have put on this entry is the photo in which I intend on using in a picture box where I will hold Simon's ashes. It is the first picture that I have ever taken of Simon. This is my favorite picture because it portrays Simon in such an amazing way. He was always so curious of his surroundings. He was never shy, he just wanted love.
RIP Simon, my baby boy.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Repressed Memory
Day 93
This is the weirdest thing. My boyfriend and I were talking about bullying and cyber bullying when all of a sudden I remembered being cyber bullied. I remembered that in middle school there were these two girls that for some weird reason began to hate me. If I remember correctly it was because her boyfriend was interested in being my friend and she was worried it was more than friendship. Anyways, one day they made a fake AIM account and used it to say really hurtful things to me. They called me fat and ugly.
It is so weird that I have forgotten so many things from my past. I believe that when I write my blog, old feelings come back, as well as the old memories.
In other news...I have some bad news. I was not able to get my footage done in time for MTV's Bullied. I am so bummed because I thought it was a great thing that they were doing, but with school and work, I just wasn't able to do enough for it. The video that I posted recently was given to them, but nothing else. I kind of doubt that they will use my footage because there wasn't enough of it. I am however still waiting to hear from MTV's Cut. I should be hearing from them this week. YAY!!
<3 Angel
This is the weirdest thing. My boyfriend and I were talking about bullying and cyber bullying when all of a sudden I remembered being cyber bullied. I remembered that in middle school there were these two girls that for some weird reason began to hate me. If I remember correctly it was because her boyfriend was interested in being my friend and she was worried it was more than friendship. Anyways, one day they made a fake AIM account and used it to say really hurtful things to me. They called me fat and ugly.
It is so weird that I have forgotten so many things from my past. I believe that when I write my blog, old feelings come back, as well as the old memories.
In other news...I have some bad news. I was not able to get my footage done in time for MTV's Bullied. I am so bummed because I thought it was a great thing that they were doing, but with school and work, I just wasn't able to do enough for it. The video that I posted recently was given to them, but nothing else. I kind of doubt that they will use my footage because there wasn't enough of it. I am however still waiting to hear from MTV's Cut. I should be hearing from them this week. YAY!!
<3 Angel
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
My footage for MTV
Day 86
Hey guys!
This is my video footage from what I will be sending to MTV for their documentary. Sorry, but I don't know how to post these videos directly onto my blog. Hope you enjoy it!
In other news, I will be on CBS Atlanta AGAIN tonight at 11, so in 50 minutes! :D Also, I will be playing Janet at Rocky Horror at Plaza Atlanta this Friday night. I really hope to see all of you there! Make sure you come say hello if you come! Please pre order your tickets because we will sell out! This is our biggest show of the year aside from Dragon Con.
Thats all for now.
<3 always,
Hey guys!
This is my video footage from what I will be sending to MTV for their documentary. Sorry, but I don't know how to post these videos directly onto my blog. Hope you enjoy it!
In other news, I will be on CBS Atlanta AGAIN tonight at 11, so in 50 minutes! :D Also, I will be playing Janet at Rocky Horror at Plaza Atlanta this Friday night. I really hope to see all of you there! Make sure you come say hello if you come! Please pre order your tickets because we will sell out! This is our biggest show of the year aside from Dragon Con.
Thats all for now.
<3 always,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Still Day 81
I just wanted to take a quick moment out of my day to mention how excited I am. After seeing the interview on CBS news I just feel empowered and proud to be who I am. As I mentioned in the interview I have no idea who I am and I am struggling very hard to find that out. However, after this all began I can't stop thinking that this is what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I am on a mission, and I will not stop until I make a difference in the world. :) Everyone, just remember, I can't do it alone. I need your help! Please help me spread the word about this blog and my mission. It is because of all of you that things are happening.
Oh almost forgot to mention this...I will be sending in my footage to MTV's Bullied this coming week. I spoke to them recently, and it seems like something I really want to do. If you can't remember MTV bullied is a documentary that they are doing that shows that bullying takes place all over the world. I will know in about a month if I get selected to be a part of it! :)
I just wanted to take a quick moment out of my day to mention how excited I am. After seeing the interview on CBS news I just feel empowered and proud to be who I am. As I mentioned in the interview I have no idea who I am and I am struggling very hard to find that out. However, after this all began I can't stop thinking that this is what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I am on a mission, and I will not stop until I make a difference in the world. :) Everyone, just remember, I can't do it alone. I need your help! Please help me spread the word about this blog and my mission. It is because of all of you that things are happening.
Oh almost forgot to mention this...I will be sending in my footage to MTV's Bullied this coming week. I spoke to them recently, and it seems like something I really want to do. If you can't remember MTV bullied is a documentary that they are doing that shows that bullying takes place all over the world. I will know in about a month if I get selected to be a part of it! :)
Bullying, attempted suicide and how a metro Atlanta girl survived it all
Day 81
Bullying, attempted suicide and how a metro Atlanta girl survived it all: A rare look into the world of bullying and the emotional toll it takes on the victims.
The video of my interview is now online! Check it out!
Bullying, attempted suicide and how a metro Atlanta girl survived it all: A rare look into the world of bullying and the emotional toll it takes on the victims.
The video of my interview is now online! Check it out!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
News article
Still Day 80
Hey guys! Here is the news article done by CBS! This is the link if you want to check it out!
Hey guys! Here is the news article done by CBS! This is the link if you want to check it out!
Check out my interview about bullying on CBS!!
Day 80
Hey guys, in just over 15 minutes I will be on CBS News Atlanta answering questions in an interview about bullying. Please check it out. So sorry I posted this so late, but no worries, I will post the video of it on this blog tomorrow if you didn't get enough of a chance to see it. Also, this will be reairing tomorrow around 4 or 5!
Until tomorrow!
Hey guys, in just over 15 minutes I will be on CBS News Atlanta answering questions in an interview about bullying. Please check it out. So sorry I posted this so late, but no worries, I will post the video of it on this blog tomorrow if you didn't get enough of a chance to see it. Also, this will be reairing tomorrow around 4 or 5!
Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Quick update on CBS and MTV
Day 79
Hey guys!
I just wanted to take a brief moment to update you on what is coming up. I would love to do a very detailed entry, but it is midterm week at school and things are VERY hectic right now. So tomorrow CBS News Atlanta will be coming over and they will be interviewing me on my bullied past. YAY! Even though I would LOVE for them to talk some about my blog, they told me they are more interested in what happened to me and my story. No biggie. I am happy to share my story.
I spoke to MTV yesterday and they said that the deadline for everyone is Friday and they will know who they will choose in about a week and a half, so now I just have to wait. Yay for more waiting.
So that is my update for now...
Will update again soon!
<3 always,
Hey guys!
I just wanted to take a brief moment to update you on what is coming up. I would love to do a very detailed entry, but it is midterm week at school and things are VERY hectic right now. So tomorrow CBS News Atlanta will be coming over and they will be interviewing me on my bullied past. YAY! Even though I would LOVE for them to talk some about my blog, they told me they are more interested in what happened to me and my story. No biggie. I am happy to share my story.
I spoke to MTV yesterday and they said that the deadline for everyone is Friday and they will know who they will choose in about a week and a half, so now I just have to wait. Yay for more waiting.
So that is my update for now...
Will update again soon!
<3 always,
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Biggest News Thus Far
Day 75
So here I am, just thinking about the upcoming weekend and how I am hoping it will be some fun when I get a text message. Now, of course just like several other people, I get a couple text messages every day, but this text message was no ordinary text message. This text message...was from CBS NEWS ATLANTA! As you all know, I have been in contact with CBS recently about the possibility that they will do a story on me and air it on their news station. Well, after long talks with the producers, they have decided to put me on! We have decided to film on Wednesday morning, but I don't know many details yet. She told me they will call on Monday with everything I need to know. This is such a huge break. I can share my story and help so many people! I am just so happy right now.
This came at the perfect time because I have fallen in another bullying story. I have had a really hard time finding myself. I have no idea who I am, what my favorite food, or color, or anything is. I constantly change my appearance and my interests just to fit in with the people around me. So, the day before yesterday I decided to change the color of my hair from platinum blonde, to burgundy because people kept making fun of me and were calling me Malfoy. (That is the guy from Harry Potter) In the beginning people said it as a joke, then eventually it just started sounding mean, and I didn't want to get compared to a boy too, so I decided to color it. Problem with putting burgundy hair color on top of platinum blonde turns greyish,burgundy,purple. Long story didn't look good. I went to work the next day with a wig in my bag because I wasn't sure it looked natural enough for me to not wear a wig. After a little while, my boss told me it would be best for me to wear the wig, so I did.
At the end of the shift, I decided to take my wig off because I was tired and my head itched. I grabbed my belongings and left for the day. While at school, I received a phone call from a co-worker explaining to me that when I left, more employees saw my hair and spent several hours laughing about it and making fun of me behind my back. I was devastated. I didn't see why my physical appearance had to be a laughing matter or any of their business. I felt like I was right back in high school. My day was ruined. I had a horrible day at school, and I just wanted to go home. Not to mention...I cried.
So after school, I got home and right away colored my hair purple because it was the only thing I could think of to do to make it look good without applying any bleach to my already completely dried out hair. When I came to work today, I already had my wig on. I didn't talk to the people that said those hurtful things about me because I honestly just emotionally couldn't handle pretending that I wasn't hurt. At some point of the night, someone saw a small piece of my hair sticking out of my wig and said that I need to stop coloring my hair and blah blah blah. Once again there they went talking badly about me. I just wanted it to stop. I left work today with my wig on. I couldn't stand the possibility of what would happen if they all saw how bright purple my hair is.
So that is what has been happening. Great news on top of a crappy week. I decided to post this picture (again) from last year. This is exactly what my hair looks like now, but it is a little bit shorter now. Like I said, it is different and it is very purple.
Hope you like it!
Please subscribe to my blog and comment.
Email me if you like!
Also, please follow me on twitter!
@ Dance2616 AND @ Journey_to_Fame
(I post different things on both of them!)
Thanks so much for reading, until next time!!
So here I am, just thinking about the upcoming weekend and how I am hoping it will be some fun when I get a text message. Now, of course just like several other people, I get a couple text messages every day, but this text message was no ordinary text message. This text message...was from CBS NEWS ATLANTA! As you all know, I have been in contact with CBS recently about the possibility that they will do a story on me and air it on their news station. Well, after long talks with the producers, they have decided to put me on! We have decided to film on Wednesday morning, but I don't know many details yet. She told me they will call on Monday with everything I need to know. This is such a huge break. I can share my story and help so many people! I am just so happy right now.
This came at the perfect time because I have fallen in another bullying story. I have had a really hard time finding myself. I have no idea who I am, what my favorite food, or color, or anything is. I constantly change my appearance and my interests just to fit in with the people around me. So, the day before yesterday I decided to change the color of my hair from platinum blonde, to burgundy because people kept making fun of me and were calling me Malfoy. (That is the guy from Harry Potter) In the beginning people said it as a joke, then eventually it just started sounding mean, and I didn't want to get compared to a boy too, so I decided to color it. Problem with putting burgundy hair color on top of platinum blonde turns greyish,burgundy,purple. Long story didn't look good. I went to work the next day with a wig in my bag because I wasn't sure it looked natural enough for me to not wear a wig. After a little while, my boss told me it would be best for me to wear the wig, so I did.
At the end of the shift, I decided to take my wig off because I was tired and my head itched. I grabbed my belongings and left for the day. While at school, I received a phone call from a co-worker explaining to me that when I left, more employees saw my hair and spent several hours laughing about it and making fun of me behind my back. I was devastated. I didn't see why my physical appearance had to be a laughing matter or any of their business. I felt like I was right back in high school. My day was ruined. I had a horrible day at school, and I just wanted to go home. Not to mention...I cried.
So after school, I got home and right away colored my hair purple because it was the only thing I could think of to do to make it look good without applying any bleach to my already completely dried out hair. When I came to work today, I already had my wig on. I didn't talk to the people that said those hurtful things about me because I honestly just emotionally couldn't handle pretending that I wasn't hurt. At some point of the night, someone saw a small piece of my hair sticking out of my wig and said that I need to stop coloring my hair and blah blah blah. Once again there they went talking badly about me. I just wanted it to stop. I left work today with my wig on. I couldn't stand the possibility of what would happen if they all saw how bright purple my hair is.
So that is what has been happening. Great news on top of a crappy week. I decided to post this picture (again) from last year. This is exactly what my hair looks like now, but it is a little bit shorter now. Like I said, it is different and it is very purple.
Hope you like it!
Please subscribe to my blog and comment.
Email me if you like!
Also, please follow me on twitter!
@ Dance2616 AND @ Journey_to_Fame
(I post different things on both of them!)
Thanks so much for reading, until next time!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Day 73
So not much AMAZING news has happened lately, but still some things have happened that I feel are GREAT accomplishments.I have had so many people come reach out lately. Most find me on Facebook. So as they are reaching out, they are telling me that they love how open I am being and then the best thing happens...they tell me their stories! I am so happy that people feel like they know me once they have read my blog. Since they feel like they know me, they feel like they can trust me, and they open up. It is just such a great accomplishment knowing that I am actually helping people!
In other news...I had a pastor come into my place of work yesterday. We began talking and I told him all about my blog and the things I have been doing. I of course mentioned my lack in belief of G-d as well. After about 45 minutes talking, he told me, "You are going places and I care for you more than I care for anyone else. I care more for you than I care for some of the people in my church." --Not an exact quote...can't remember word for word. :) Anyways, It was just great to get support from so many people.
That's it for today! Please subscribe to my blog and my twitter @Dance2616
So not much AMAZING news has happened lately, but still some things have happened that I feel are GREAT accomplishments.I have had so many people come reach out lately. Most find me on Facebook. So as they are reaching out, they are telling me that they love how open I am being and then the best thing happens...they tell me their stories! I am so happy that people feel like they know me once they have read my blog. Since they feel like they know me, they feel like they can trust me, and they open up. It is just such a great accomplishment knowing that I am actually helping people!
In other news...I had a pastor come into my place of work yesterday. We began talking and I told him all about my blog and the things I have been doing. I of course mentioned my lack in belief of G-d as well. After about 45 minutes talking, he told me, "You are going places and I care for you more than I care for anyone else. I care more for you than I care for some of the people in my church." --Not an exact quote...can't remember word for word. :) Anyways, It was just great to get support from so many people.
That's it for today! Please subscribe to my blog and my twitter @Dance2616
Monday, October 3, 2011
Part 2
Still Day 64
Hey guys!
I am so sorry that I didn't have this entry up earlier like I promised. I was going to update in between classes, but someone had taken my back pack by accident, so I had to wait until he came back with it, and then I was out of time. So here I am sitting in class updating my blog. Kinda feel bad for the professor since I am basically on this blog every time I come to class.
So here is my secret. Recently I found out some information about a new documentary that MTV is doing. It is called CUT. It is about students that are in high school or college getting ready to under go plastic surgery. The reason that this is so big for me is because if I get chosen to do this, a camera crew will follow me around for a little while and it will give me the time I need to mention everything from bullies, my acting career, and my blog.
So when I first mentioned that I had a secret, the secret was that I applied for this documentary and I got an email back sending me a questionnaire. (a very long one!) In this questionnaire I answered questions like, tell me about yourself, why do you want this surgery, what message can you send to other people that want to do this too. Anyways, I was pretty excited because I knew I was in the running for it.
Then, earlier today, MTV called me telling me that the producer of the show wanted to call me for an interview. I decided to set it up for 2:00pm today. When she called she asked many questions about the questionnaire and then we just talked for a little bit about the surgery. Being in my situation, I was estatic that it had gone so far as to get a phone call from the producer. Anyways, at the end of the conversation she said that she was really glad we talked and they will know who they choose in about 2 weeks. That is pretty understandable since they have a lot of people to talk to about it.
So here I am, once again doing the waiting game. I thought I was getting a definite answer today, but turns out I won't. I was feeling REALLY confident before the interview, but now...not so much. I'm thinking it's just because I'm really wanting this. So, that is my secret. What do you guys think??
Hey guys!
I am so sorry that I didn't have this entry up earlier like I promised. I was going to update in between classes, but someone had taken my back pack by accident, so I had to wait until he came back with it, and then I was out of time. So here I am sitting in class updating my blog. Kinda feel bad for the professor since I am basically on this blog every time I come to class.
So here is my secret. Recently I found out some information about a new documentary that MTV is doing. It is called CUT. It is about students that are in high school or college getting ready to under go plastic surgery. The reason that this is so big for me is because if I get chosen to do this, a camera crew will follow me around for a little while and it will give me the time I need to mention everything from bullies, my acting career, and my blog.
So when I first mentioned that I had a secret, the secret was that I applied for this documentary and I got an email back sending me a questionnaire. (a very long one!) In this questionnaire I answered questions like, tell me about yourself, why do you want this surgery, what message can you send to other people that want to do this too. Anyways, I was pretty excited because I knew I was in the running for it.
Then, earlier today, MTV called me telling me that the producer of the show wanted to call me for an interview. I decided to set it up for 2:00pm today. When she called she asked many questions about the questionnaire and then we just talked for a little bit about the surgery. Being in my situation, I was estatic that it had gone so far as to get a phone call from the producer. Anyways, at the end of the conversation she said that she was really glad we talked and they will know who they choose in about 2 weeks. That is pretty understandable since they have a lot of people to talk to about it.
So here I am, once again doing the waiting game. I thought I was getting a definite answer today, but turns out I won't. I was feeling REALLY confident before the interview, but now...not so much. I'm thinking it's just because I'm really wanting this. So, that is my secret. What do you guys think??
Angel HUGE (part 1)
Day 64
So in my last entry, I had mentioned that I have a secret. It turns out, that secret may very well be HUGE news. Not only is this possible huge news, it might accomplish my mission! I don't want to give out to many details just yet. I am expecting a very important phone call around 2:00pm telling me more about it. I am expecing to have an entry up hopefully before 4:00pm telling all about this. Details and EVERYTHING! I know some of my followers have been begging me for the news, so today, it will be up!
In other news, I spoke to two people in the last couple days that were down and really needed my help. I really think I did help them, and I am so glad that this blog is beginning to do what I intended on it doing.
I went to a festival over the weekend. I met some people and had a really great time. I met these two girls and I cannot explain how grateful I am that I met them. I have a REALLY hard time making friends just because I do still sometimes have issues with being insecure. These girls are just absolutely amazing. Very artistic, and very real. One of them I almost feel is like my twin. Not my physical appearance twin, but she and I have gone through so much of the same thing and have so many similar interests that I feel like we are one in the same. I hope to see these girls again soon! One lives in Tennessee, but hopefully that won't change anything. That's not too far away right!? Anyways, regardless I would love to thank these girls for showing me a great time and helping me through my insecurities. We only hung out for one day, but it feels like I've known you both for years. <3 u guys!!
See you guys later today for the big announcement!!
<3 Always,
So in my last entry, I had mentioned that I have a secret. It turns out, that secret may very well be HUGE news. Not only is this possible huge news, it might accomplish my mission! I don't want to give out to many details just yet. I am expecting a very important phone call around 2:00pm telling me more about it. I am expecing to have an entry up hopefully before 4:00pm telling all about this. Details and EVERYTHING! I know some of my followers have been begging me for the news, so today, it will be up!
In other news, I spoke to two people in the last couple days that were down and really needed my help. I really think I did help them, and I am so glad that this blog is beginning to do what I intended on it doing.
I went to a festival over the weekend. I met some people and had a really great time. I met these two girls and I cannot explain how grateful I am that I met them. I have a REALLY hard time making friends just because I do still sometimes have issues with being insecure. These girls are just absolutely amazing. Very artistic, and very real. One of them I almost feel is like my twin. Not my physical appearance twin, but she and I have gone through so much of the same thing and have so many similar interests that I feel like we are one in the same. I hope to see these girls again soon! One lives in Tennessee, but hopefully that won't change anything. That's not too far away right!? Anyways, regardless I would love to thank these girls for showing me a great time and helping me through my insecurities. We only hung out for one day, but it feels like I've known you both for years. <3 u guys!!
See you guys later today for the big announcement!!
<3 Always,
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I've got a secret!
Day 60
Special thanks to Derrick Tyson for taking this fabulous photo of me!!
So even though I had a minor set back due to my schedule, things have not slowed down. I received a message from CBS news yesterday, and they just wanted to ensure me that they have not forgotten about me and that they are still in talks with the producer about the story and how it will be done. :)
In other news, I believe that something BIG is heading my way. However, I think I'm going to keep you guys on your toes for just a little bit and give myself some time to make sure that this is really coming. Who knows though, maybe if I get 200 views in one day, or at least 50 official followers (which ever comes first) I might just tell you early! :)
I hope you guys don't mind that I am doing this, but I honestly feel like it is for the best.
So, bullying story for the day. In fact, this story takes place...TODAY! I was at work earlier this morning when I mentioned to some co-workers that I was hungry and couldn't wait to get off of work so I could get something to eat. One of my co-workers then responded with, "What are you anorexic or something?" I responded with, "Actually, yes, thanks." He was blown away. There is a lesson in here folks. Please be careful in what you say. Even if you are saying something in a joking way, you might say something offensive and very hurtful. This is not the first time this has happened this week. Earlier, my professor was talking about eating disorders and making fun of people who have them. He said things like, "Who in their right mind would do such a thing?!" Here I am sitting in his class very upset and didn't have the courage to say anything.
In my opinion, having an eating disorder eats you whole. It takes over and you no longer have control of what you are doing. Some days I say to myself that I'm hungry and should eat, but then I realize that it is already 5:00pm and the day is almost over, I'll just eat the next day. So, please watch what you say, you never know a persons story unless, they share it with you.
In other news, I have finally had someone reach out to me after reading my blog. He found me on facebook and we have been talking quite often. Thought I'd give him a quick shout out! :) Anyways, today he had something quite different and drastic happen to him. I won't say what it was because it is not my place, but long story short, I was able to talk to him and tell him how great he handled it. He seemed upset because of how crazy the situation was, and I hope I'm right about this, but I really believe I helped. :)He then said, "Thanks for being here for me." That one sentence, probably made my week. This is what I am here for guys. I am here to help others. I am here to share my story, so people don't feel alone in the world. I have had a couple people tell me now that they love how open and honest I am, and honestly, there is no other way to have this blog. I will answer all questions, and I will be an open book to anyone.
Thanks for reading today's entry!
Please subscribe, tell your friends, and comment!
<3 Angel
Special thanks to Derrick Tyson for taking this fabulous photo of me!!
So even though I had a minor set back due to my schedule, things have not slowed down. I received a message from CBS news yesterday, and they just wanted to ensure me that they have not forgotten about me and that they are still in talks with the producer about the story and how it will be done. :)
In other news, I believe that something BIG is heading my way. However, I think I'm going to keep you guys on your toes for just a little bit and give myself some time to make sure that this is really coming. Who knows though, maybe if I get 200 views in one day, or at least 50 official followers (which ever comes first) I might just tell you early! :)
I hope you guys don't mind that I am doing this, but I honestly feel like it is for the best.
So, bullying story for the day. In fact, this story takes place...TODAY! I was at work earlier this morning when I mentioned to some co-workers that I was hungry and couldn't wait to get off of work so I could get something to eat. One of my co-workers then responded with, "What are you anorexic or something?" I responded with, "Actually, yes, thanks." He was blown away. There is a lesson in here folks. Please be careful in what you say. Even if you are saying something in a joking way, you might say something offensive and very hurtful. This is not the first time this has happened this week. Earlier, my professor was talking about eating disorders and making fun of people who have them. He said things like, "Who in their right mind would do such a thing?!" Here I am sitting in his class very upset and didn't have the courage to say anything.
In my opinion, having an eating disorder eats you whole. It takes over and you no longer have control of what you are doing. Some days I say to myself that I'm hungry and should eat, but then I realize that it is already 5:00pm and the day is almost over, I'll just eat the next day. So, please watch what you say, you never know a persons story unless, they share it with you.
In other news, I have finally had someone reach out to me after reading my blog. He found me on facebook and we have been talking quite often. Thought I'd give him a quick shout out! :) Anyways, today he had something quite different and drastic happen to him. I won't say what it was because it is not my place, but long story short, I was able to talk to him and tell him how great he handled it. He seemed upset because of how crazy the situation was, and I hope I'm right about this, but I really believe I helped. :)He then said, "Thanks for being here for me." That one sentence, probably made my week. This is what I am here for guys. I am here to help others. I am here to share my story, so people don't feel alone in the world. I have had a couple people tell me now that they love how open and honest I am, and honestly, there is no other way to have this blog. I will answer all questions, and I will be an open book to anyone.
Thanks for reading today's entry!
Please subscribe, tell your friends, and comment!
<3 Angel
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A tough decison
Day 58
Decided to post this pictures so you can all see my hair color. It changes pretty often, but here it is, PLATINUM BLONDE!
So last night my boyfriend and I were hanging out and we got to talking about the Bullied documentary. We then decided that it is probably best for me to turn down the opportunity because with work and school I just don't have the time to sit down myself and film on my own. They were asking me to film on my own and then send it to them because they wanted a more person feel to it. I had all these great ideas about interviewing people such as old teachers and my friend that was the there the day I attempted suicide, but with all the things going on right now, it just doesn't seem doable.
So, at the moment, this is a minor setback, but it is a set back that I believe won't keep me back for a while. :) Gotta stay positive and strong.
Have a great day guys!
Decided to post this pictures so you can all see my hair color. It changes pretty often, but here it is, PLATINUM BLONDE!
So last night my boyfriend and I were hanging out and we got to talking about the Bullied documentary. We then decided that it is probably best for me to turn down the opportunity because with work and school I just don't have the time to sit down myself and film on my own. They were asking me to film on my own and then send it to them because they wanted a more person feel to it. I had all these great ideas about interviewing people such as old teachers and my friend that was the there the day I attempted suicide, but with all the things going on right now, it just doesn't seem doable.
So, at the moment, this is a minor setback, but it is a set back that I believe won't keep me back for a while. :) Gotta stay positive and strong.
Have a great day guys!
Monday, September 26, 2011
I feel horrible!
Day 57
Not sure what is going on, but I am losing the will to continue. I feel depressed, and just horrible. As I have originally mentioned, my best of best would to achieve fame and to use my fame to end bullying, but I feel like no matter how hard I try, no one listens. How many must die for people to stand up? Not really in the mood for anything at the moment. I'll write again soon.
Polina aka Angel
Not sure what is going on, but I am losing the will to continue. I feel depressed, and just horrible. As I have originally mentioned, my best of best would to achieve fame and to use my fame to end bullying, but I feel like no matter how hard I try, no one listens. How many must die for people to stand up? Not really in the mood for anything at the moment. I'll write again soon.
Polina aka Angel
Thursday, September 22, 2011
So tired...must update!
Day 53
Hey guys! Even though I am absolutely exhausted and really want to get some shut eye, I would LOVE to fill you all in on whats been going on. After work today I got a call from MTV and we talked on the phone for almost an hour. We went through all kinds of things that happened to me and their affects that they caused.After this, we talked about the actual documentary. Basically they want this to be as natural as possible. They are choosing people from all over the world to show that bullying occurs all over the world. They asked me to film on my own, my life, explaining my story in any way that I want. Once this is done, I will send it to them, and they will combine it with others and make a whole movie. It's pretty exciting and I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. I am planning on going to my old high school and asking some teachers if I can interview them so they can tell the world about what happened as well. So, hopefully tomorrow the filming begins! I'll write again soon, but for now, I really need to get to bed! So tired!
Ps. I thought I'd insert a picture of my back. It has a tattoo that I am VERY proud of. If you can't read it, it is the serenity prayer. It reads, "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Hey guys! Even though I am absolutely exhausted and really want to get some shut eye, I would LOVE to fill you all in on whats been going on. After work today I got a call from MTV and we talked on the phone for almost an hour. We went through all kinds of things that happened to me and their affects that they caused.After this, we talked about the actual documentary. Basically they want this to be as natural as possible. They are choosing people from all over the world to show that bullying occurs all over the world. They asked me to film on my own, my life, explaining my story in any way that I want. Once this is done, I will send it to them, and they will combine it with others and make a whole movie. It's pretty exciting and I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. I am planning on going to my old high school and asking some teachers if I can interview them so they can tell the world about what happened as well. So, hopefully tomorrow the filming begins! I'll write again soon, but for now, I really need to get to bed! So tired!
Ps. I thought I'd insert a picture of my back. It has a tattoo that I am VERY proud of. If you can't read it, it is the serenity prayer. It reads, "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
So much great news!!
Day 52
So many FANTASTIC things have been happening, and it is all because of my readers. So lets begin with Monday night.
As I was driving home from work, I FINALLY got the call from CBS. Even though things aren't very concrete about that yet, things are in the works. They did a small interview type thing over the phone, seemed really interested. They are now talking to the producers of the show, and told me they will call me soon to set up an appointment to film the actual interview!! YAY!!
So here is some possibly even bigger news. I got contacted today by MTV. They are apparently doing a documentary about people that have been bullied and what happened to them because of it. I'm guessing that they saw this entry, and therefore contacted me through twitter because of it.This is kinda big news...but it would of course be bigger if I knew for sure that they will choose me. Only time will tell. I emailed them back, so now I am just waiting for an email back! :)
Wish me luck!!
Here's my contact information.
My email is open to all of you to contact me for any reason.
Please hit the follow button in the top left hand corner.
I will help anyone any way that I can. :)
Thanks for reading and please tell your friends, or anyone that might need help!
Twitter: Dance2616 or Journey_to_Fame (I use Dance2616 more)
Here is another story...well it is kinda a story.
So first day of high school, I thought things would be great! It was lunch time and I still hadn't made any friends. I was sitting in the cafeteria (alone in a corner basically) hoping someone would sit next to me. For about 10 minutes I sat there with probably at least 5 chairs around me completely empty. Not a single person sat next to me, nor did they speak to me unless it was to ask if they could take the chair to a different table. This is the day that I started eating in the library. I want people to know, completely avoiding people and pretending that they don't exist because they don't look cool to you, is totally a form a bullying! I honestly can't even count the number of times I have tried putting my two cents into someone's conversation just so I can meet people, and they avoid me until I leave. I don't get it. I promise, I don't smell, I shower, brush my hair and teeth, and in fact am a REALLY nice person. What did I do so wrong to make people dislike me before they met me? So that's my story for today.
So many FANTASTIC things have been happening, and it is all because of my readers. So lets begin with Monday night.
As I was driving home from work, I FINALLY got the call from CBS. Even though things aren't very concrete about that yet, things are in the works. They did a small interview type thing over the phone, seemed really interested. They are now talking to the producers of the show, and told me they will call me soon to set up an appointment to film the actual interview!! YAY!!
So here is some possibly even bigger news. I got contacted today by MTV. They are apparently doing a documentary about people that have been bullied and what happened to them because of it. I'm guessing that they saw this entry, and therefore contacted me through twitter because of it.This is kinda big news...but it would of course be bigger if I knew for sure that they will choose me. Only time will tell. I emailed them back, so now I am just waiting for an email back! :)
Wish me luck!!
Here's my contact information.
My email is open to all of you to contact me for any reason.
Please hit the follow button in the top left hand corner.
I will help anyone any way that I can. :)
Thanks for reading and please tell your friends, or anyone that might need help!
Twitter: Dance2616 or Journey_to_Fame (I use Dance2616 more)
Here is another story...well it is kinda a story.
So first day of high school, I thought things would be great! It was lunch time and I still hadn't made any friends. I was sitting in the cafeteria (alone in a corner basically) hoping someone would sit next to me. For about 10 minutes I sat there with probably at least 5 chairs around me completely empty. Not a single person sat next to me, nor did they speak to me unless it was to ask if they could take the chair to a different table. This is the day that I started eating in the library. I want people to know, completely avoiding people and pretending that they don't exist because they don't look cool to you, is totally a form a bullying! I honestly can't even count the number of times I have tried putting my two cents into someone's conversation just so I can meet people, and they avoid me until I leave. I don't get it. I promise, I don't smell, I shower, brush my hair and teeth, and in fact am a REALLY nice person. What did I do so wrong to make people dislike me before they met me? So that's my story for today.
Monday, September 19, 2011
A secret I thought I wouldn't share with EVERYONE
Day 49
So I am online at right now talking to a great friend of mine, Gracie. She mentioned to me that she read my last entry and wanted to ensure me that I will always have here there being my friend and I can always count on her. After I thanked her, I asked her to share my blog info with her friends on Facebook. Then, she responded the way I knew she would. Saying, "lol selling yourself out oh polina i love you" Now if you knew Gracie, you knew this response was coming. Gracie is a very outgoing girl. A girl you could always go to for help. She's a bit of a wild child, but that's only because her personality is so great that living a larger way of life is the only way to live. So when she told me this, I began to think about how I have been advertising my blog.
As thoughts rushed through my mind, I realized, even though making it to fame means so much to me, having this blog help someone matters so much more. I really want people to know that they aren't alone. That even if they can't find someone they can talk to in person, at least I am here, will all my contact info, and I will be more than happy to help. If I don't promote my blog, how will they know I'm here? I have been writing for 49 days, and so far not that many people have come up to talk to me that don't already know me. Even though this is the case, I am 100% positive that there are people out there that would come to me, if they did know about me.
Anyways, moving on. If you read the title of this entry, you saw that I am going to be sharing a secret with you today. I originally told myself that I would only tell the people close to me about this, but then I realized, if I want to write this blog...I have to be 100% open. I have to trust the world around me. On November 18, I will be having plastic surgery. Nothing too major, just getting breast implants. Here is the story behind what pushed me over the edge and made me decide I must get this done.
It was either June or July of this year, I can't really remember which one, I think July though. I was at screen on the green at Piedmont park with my friend, her boyfriend, and my boyfriend. We were sitting on a blanket, waiting for the movie to start, just talking and having fun. Next thing I know, Daniel, her boyfriend, said to me, "Hey, I can see your nipple." I was so embarrassed. Truth is, my breasts are so small, and even different sizes, that bras really don't fit right. My bra covered one nipple, just not the other. I knew then that I had to have it fixed. A small part of me was kinda hurt that he brought it up in front of everyone, but the other part of me didn't care too much because he is a close friend. So..that's my secret. Hope you all understand my reasoning behind it. Here are two questions you might be thinking. 1. Is this a self confidence issue? You bet it is! 2. Am I praying that I might feel a little better about myself? Hell yes.
So I am online at right now talking to a great friend of mine, Gracie. She mentioned to me that she read my last entry and wanted to ensure me that I will always have here there being my friend and I can always count on her. After I thanked her, I asked her to share my blog info with her friends on Facebook. Then, she responded the way I knew she would. Saying, "lol selling yourself out oh polina i love you" Now if you knew Gracie, you knew this response was coming. Gracie is a very outgoing girl. A girl you could always go to for help. She's a bit of a wild child, but that's only because her personality is so great that living a larger way of life is the only way to live. So when she told me this, I began to think about how I have been advertising my blog.
As thoughts rushed through my mind, I realized, even though making it to fame means so much to me, having this blog help someone matters so much more. I really want people to know that they aren't alone. That even if they can't find someone they can talk to in person, at least I am here, will all my contact info, and I will be more than happy to help. If I don't promote my blog, how will they know I'm here? I have been writing for 49 days, and so far not that many people have come up to talk to me that don't already know me. Even though this is the case, I am 100% positive that there are people out there that would come to me, if they did know about me.
Anyways, moving on. If you read the title of this entry, you saw that I am going to be sharing a secret with you today. I originally told myself that I would only tell the people close to me about this, but then I realized, if I want to write this blog...I have to be 100% open. I have to trust the world around me. On November 18, I will be having plastic surgery. Nothing too major, just getting breast implants. Here is the story behind what pushed me over the edge and made me decide I must get this done.
It was either June or July of this year, I can't really remember which one, I think July though. I was at screen on the green at Piedmont park with my friend, her boyfriend, and my boyfriend. We were sitting on a blanket, waiting for the movie to start, just talking and having fun. Next thing I know, Daniel, her boyfriend, said to me, "Hey, I can see your nipple." I was so embarrassed. Truth is, my breasts are so small, and even different sizes, that bras really don't fit right. My bra covered one nipple, just not the other. I knew then that I had to have it fixed. A small part of me was kinda hurt that he brought it up in front of everyone, but the other part of me didn't care too much because he is a close friend. So..that's my secret. Hope you all understand my reasoning behind it. Here are two questions you might be thinking. 1. Is this a self confidence issue? You bet it is! 2. Am I praying that I might feel a little better about myself? Hell yes.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Parental Advisory
Day 47
So this blog entry is going to be very embarrassing. If you are someone that is related to me, or related to my boyfriend, I suggest you not read this entry because...well, lets just say, you're not going to want to know.
Anyways, here's what happened. I was sitting in bed with my boyfriend talking with only my underwear on. (Bra and panties)I looked down at myself and started pointing out all my body flaws. I pointed out how I have small fat rolls underneath my breasts when I sit down. I pointed out the fact that I have a six pack of fat. Before I knew it, I started bawling. Tears fell down, and no matter how hard I tried to stop them, I couldn't.
My boyfriend kept telling me how I was crazy, and that I look good but I couldn't believe him. Later on I told a friend of mine what happened, and she told me that it is all in my head and that I'm tiny. No matter how hard I want to believe them, I can't. When I look into the mirror I see nothing but fat. Could it be because of all those times that I got called fat by friends/family?
While on this topic...let me share a being called fat story. This story is pretty recent. Even though it makes my mom sound like a horrible person, and even though she and I don't really get a long that great, I want everyone to know before I write this, that she is not a bad mom, nor is she a bad person. So one day we were in the car and we were talking about clothes. I decided to tell her nicely that her outfit wasn't too flattering. Now I didn't know how to write that, but trust me, when I told her that, it was not mean in any way. I just know that if some outfit make me look bad, I would want to know. So that's why I told her when we were alone. So shortly after I told her this, she said, "Well at least I'm not fat like you." Then she reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed my fat.
I was mortified. Of course I broke out in tears. What else could I have done? So, that's a bullying story for the day.
Going out tonight. Really nervous. We are going to a club, and this club is known for having beautiful skinny girls there. After all that happened today with my body image, I am really scared. I hope things go well.
Even though it is a bad picture, I decided to post a picture of me as Janet. She wears just a bra and a slip for most of the movie, so that's me.
So this blog entry is going to be very embarrassing. If you are someone that is related to me, or related to my boyfriend, I suggest you not read this entry because...well, lets just say, you're not going to want to know.
Anyways, here's what happened. I was sitting in bed with my boyfriend talking with only my underwear on. (Bra and panties)I looked down at myself and started pointing out all my body flaws. I pointed out how I have small fat rolls underneath my breasts when I sit down. I pointed out the fact that I have a six pack of fat. Before I knew it, I started bawling. Tears fell down, and no matter how hard I tried to stop them, I couldn't.
My boyfriend kept telling me how I was crazy, and that I look good but I couldn't believe him. Later on I told a friend of mine what happened, and she told me that it is all in my head and that I'm tiny. No matter how hard I want to believe them, I can't. When I look into the mirror I see nothing but fat. Could it be because of all those times that I got called fat by friends/family?
While on this topic...let me share a being called fat story. This story is pretty recent. Even though it makes my mom sound like a horrible person, and even though she and I don't really get a long that great, I want everyone to know before I write this, that she is not a bad mom, nor is she a bad person. So one day we were in the car and we were talking about clothes. I decided to tell her nicely that her outfit wasn't too flattering. Now I didn't know how to write that, but trust me, when I told her that, it was not mean in any way. I just know that if some outfit make me look bad, I would want to know. So that's why I told her when we were alone. So shortly after I told her this, she said, "Well at least I'm not fat like you." Then she reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed my fat.
I was mortified. Of course I broke out in tears. What else could I have done? So, that's a bullying story for the day.
Going out tonight. Really nervous. We are going to a club, and this club is known for having beautiful skinny girls there. After all that happened today with my body image, I am really scared. I hope things go well.
Even though it is a bad picture, I decided to post a picture of me as Janet. She wears just a bra and a slip for most of the movie, so that's me.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Small Update Once Again
Day 45
So I promised that I would keep you guys updated about any possible media that may come my way. I did receive a text message from a woman at CBS and she has thanked me for being patient, and she will call me when she gets a free moment. So this is good news, because it means that I will be getting a call from CBS sometime soon. Yay!
So I have spent all day promoting my blog as well. I have been all over twitter on the pages Dance2616 and Journey_to_Fame. If you are willing to follow me, follow both!
I also ordered 250 business cards on only 8 bucks. AWESOME!
So, I don't have much more to say today. Still pretty sick from a cold/sinus infection so I'm not really feeling up for writing.
See you all later!
P.s. Please subscribe to my blog!
So I promised that I would keep you guys updated about any possible media that may come my way. I did receive a text message from a woman at CBS and she has thanked me for being patient, and she will call me when she gets a free moment. So this is good news, because it means that I will be getting a call from CBS sometime soon. Yay!
So I have spent all day promoting my blog as well. I have been all over twitter on the pages Dance2616 and Journey_to_Fame. If you are willing to follow me, follow both!
I also ordered 250 business cards on only 8 bucks. AWESOME!
So, I don't have much more to say today. Still pretty sick from a cold/sinus infection so I'm not really feeling up for writing.
See you all later!
P.s. Please subscribe to my blog!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Body Image
Day 44
Before I start on my topic today, just wanted to fill you guys in on the CBS story. So far I haven't heard anything from them. I am starting to think that I missed my window of opportunity. I feel like I should just give up at this point, but other people are telling me that I should keep calling them until they pick up the phone. Not sure what I will do yet...
So just a few moments ago, I was on my Twitter account sending out information about this blog, which by the way I haven't done in a while so I decided now would be a good time. I was on NoH8 and I looked at some of the photos of the people that they had on their page. Then I began to think... their whole thing is that people should love others for who they are, no matter their sexual preference or appearance, but all the people on their Twitter look like models! Lets show the world what the world really looks like! Men and woman of all shapes and sizes, and not all are even pretty in our eyes! (beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)
I know I don't look like a model, I know I am not as skinny as a model, but I do know that I look unique, and that's the kind of people that NoH8 should have on their page. Show different types of people. Does this make sense to anyone? Please don't get me wrong though..I think NOH8 is doing a great job, and what they are doing is what REALLY needs to be done. So keep up the great work NOH8, but maybe look into some of this?
So here is a bullying story. It wasn't done directly to me, at least this story of it.
While at Ridgeview Institute, I had a VERY hard time admitting the fact that I had an eating disorder. I had a hard time admitting anything really. Anyways, after a while, I finally admitted it. Sadly admitting it, kinda sent my disorder into overdrive and things got a lot worse. Not to mention, I would get really upset and cry a bunch, then since I was crying I didn't want to eat and the staff made me cry more by separating me from the rest of the group because they didn't want someone not eating in a room full of girls with eating disorders.
So here is where it gets bad. About a month or so after I got out, I was hanging out with one of my RVI sisters. It was then that she told me that she over heard a couple of the staff members talking about me. Here is what she said, and I quote. "Healing Polina is like putting a normal arm into a cast."
I am 100% shocked at what they were saying about me. There is quite a bit that is wrong with this situation. 1. If I had heard this in my VERY fragile and suicidal state of mine, I would have very quickly left against medical advice and more than likely done something very horrible to myself. 2. These women that were talking about me, were supposed to be staff members that we could trust and they were supposed to help us. How do you sit in therapy sessions with someone and give them advice about something when you are sitting there not believing a single word they said?
My problem with my whole body image thing started so long ago that only people close to me knew about it because I hid it so well. How else do you explain my sudden 25lb weight loss? I remember my father coming home from work to make sure I ate something for lunch. He made a turkey sandwich. While he was making his own, I slowly fed it to the dog in small pieces one by one so it looked like I was eating it slowly if he ever turned around.
I guess you could say that I quickly learned that I can't trust anyone. How could I? No one ever believes a single thing you say. They all leave you. After all this though, I can't help but not understand...why do I have to feel so alone?
Before I start on my topic today, just wanted to fill you guys in on the CBS story. So far I haven't heard anything from them. I am starting to think that I missed my window of opportunity. I feel like I should just give up at this point, but other people are telling me that I should keep calling them until they pick up the phone. Not sure what I will do yet...
So just a few moments ago, I was on my Twitter account sending out information about this blog, which by the way I haven't done in a while so I decided now would be a good time. I was on NoH8 and I looked at some of the photos of the people that they had on their page. Then I began to think... their whole thing is that people should love others for who they are, no matter their sexual preference or appearance, but all the people on their Twitter look like models! Lets show the world what the world really looks like! Men and woman of all shapes and sizes, and not all are even pretty in our eyes! (beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)
I know I don't look like a model, I know I am not as skinny as a model, but I do know that I look unique, and that's the kind of people that NoH8 should have on their page. Show different types of people. Does this make sense to anyone? Please don't get me wrong though..I think NOH8 is doing a great job, and what they are doing is what REALLY needs to be done. So keep up the great work NOH8, but maybe look into some of this?
So here is a bullying story. It wasn't done directly to me, at least this story of it.
While at Ridgeview Institute, I had a VERY hard time admitting the fact that I had an eating disorder. I had a hard time admitting anything really. Anyways, after a while, I finally admitted it. Sadly admitting it, kinda sent my disorder into overdrive and things got a lot worse. Not to mention, I would get really upset and cry a bunch, then since I was crying I didn't want to eat and the staff made me cry more by separating me from the rest of the group because they didn't want someone not eating in a room full of girls with eating disorders.
So here is where it gets bad. About a month or so after I got out, I was hanging out with one of my RVI sisters. It was then that she told me that she over heard a couple of the staff members talking about me. Here is what she said, and I quote. "Healing Polina is like putting a normal arm into a cast."
I am 100% shocked at what they were saying about me. There is quite a bit that is wrong with this situation. 1. If I had heard this in my VERY fragile and suicidal state of mine, I would have very quickly left against medical advice and more than likely done something very horrible to myself. 2. These women that were talking about me, were supposed to be staff members that we could trust and they were supposed to help us. How do you sit in therapy sessions with someone and give them advice about something when you are sitting there not believing a single word they said?
My problem with my whole body image thing started so long ago that only people close to me knew about it because I hid it so well. How else do you explain my sudden 25lb weight loss? I remember my father coming home from work to make sure I ate something for lunch. He made a turkey sandwich. While he was making his own, I slowly fed it to the dog in small pieces one by one so it looked like I was eating it slowly if he ever turned around.
I guess you could say that I quickly learned that I can't trust anyone. How could I? No one ever believes a single thing you say. They all leave you. After all this though, I can't help but not understand...why do I have to feel so alone?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tiny update on CBS!
Still Day 39
Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I have heard back from CBS and they told me that they are working on their 11 o'clock news at the moment, and they will be in contact tomorrow!! Everything keeps getting better as time passes! :)
Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I have heard back from CBS and they told me that they are working on their 11 o'clock news at the moment, and they will be in contact tomorrow!! Everything keeps getting better as time passes! :)
Day 39
So today is quickly becoming one of the best days of my life. As I mentioned before, I ran into some people that worked for CBS News at my work a couple weeks ago. I had given them my info about this blog but I never heard from them...until today!! Sadly when I got the call I was in class and wasn't able to pick up the phone, but they did leave a voicemail. They once again seemed very interested and left me their contact information. I gave them a call, but no one answered and it went to voicemail. So.. I of course left a message and now the waiting game begins!
I am so excited! Things might finally be moving forward for me with achieving my dream! Could it be possible that dreams really do come true!? I'm starting to believe that they do! I am so excited right now, I can barely handle it! I don't know what to do except for think, "It might really happen!!"
Problem is, I keep telling myself that I really shouldn't get too excited, what if they end up not wanting to do the story on me after all? Man, that would really suck especially because I just really can't help but be excited!
Anyways, I should probably end this entry before I continue on and on about the same exact thing. I'm leaving for Philly tomorrow so I'm not sure if I will be able to write any then...but if I hear from CBS I will make sure to update you all ASAP!!
Wish me luck!
So today is quickly becoming one of the best days of my life. As I mentioned before, I ran into some people that worked for CBS News at my work a couple weeks ago. I had given them my info about this blog but I never heard from them...until today!! Sadly when I got the call I was in class and wasn't able to pick up the phone, but they did leave a voicemail. They once again seemed very interested and left me their contact information. I gave them a call, but no one answered and it went to voicemail. So.. I of course left a message and now the waiting game begins!
I am so excited! Things might finally be moving forward for me with achieving my dream! Could it be possible that dreams really do come true!? I'm starting to believe that they do! I am so excited right now, I can barely handle it! I don't know what to do except for think, "It might really happen!!"
Problem is, I keep telling myself that I really shouldn't get too excited, what if they end up not wanting to do the story on me after all? Man, that would really suck especially because I just really can't help but be excited!
Anyways, I should probably end this entry before I continue on and on about the same exact thing. I'm leaving for Philly tomorrow so I'm not sure if I will be able to write any then...but if I hear from CBS I will make sure to update you all ASAP!!
Wish me luck!
I Keep Forgetting the Bullying Stories..
Day 39
I told you guys a couple entries ago that I would finish my entries with a bullying story from my past. Sad thing is, I kept forgetting to add them. So here is one for today. This is a story I haven't shared with anyone because I felt it make me look even more desperate and pathetic than I am.
When I was younger, I was trying SO hard to fit in. I even joined orchestra just because the popular kids were in it, even though I really wanted to be in band. So, one day before orchestra a couple of the popular kids came up to me and told me that they heard something REALLY exciting! They got my attention right away, even though today, I wish they didn't. So they began to tell me that this guy named Robert who was one of the popular kids had a crush on me. A smile went across my face from ear to ear. After I heard this news, I began to sit next to Robert in class, and try to make conversations, but he never seemed interested. So then one horrible day, I decided to be brave and ask Robert out. Robert started laughing and turned me down.
A few minutes later Robert walked up to the people that told me that he had a crush on me and told them what happened. It was then that I realized it was all a joke to see how I would react and to make fun of me. I was so crushed.
A few months later, the same senario happened with Robert's best friend. They told me that he liked me, but I told them if he really did, he should come up to me and ask me out himself. Later that day, he did. We dated for a little bit, but to this day I have no idea if it was real or just a joke. Even to this day when he and I are in the same room someone will say, "Hey did you know that these two dated?!" and then of course people would flip out and say they didn't believe it and laugh. I've asked a couple times if it was real and he continues to say it was...but I just don't believe him. It happened once before in that same circle of friends. Why wouldn't it happen again?
So that's my second bullying story. Kinda messed up, don't you think?
I told you guys a couple entries ago that I would finish my entries with a bullying story from my past. Sad thing is, I kept forgetting to add them. So here is one for today. This is a story I haven't shared with anyone because I felt it make me look even more desperate and pathetic than I am.
When I was younger, I was trying SO hard to fit in. I even joined orchestra just because the popular kids were in it, even though I really wanted to be in band. So, one day before orchestra a couple of the popular kids came up to me and told me that they heard something REALLY exciting! They got my attention right away, even though today, I wish they didn't. So they began to tell me that this guy named Robert who was one of the popular kids had a crush on me. A smile went across my face from ear to ear. After I heard this news, I began to sit next to Robert in class, and try to make conversations, but he never seemed interested. So then one horrible day, I decided to be brave and ask Robert out. Robert started laughing and turned me down.
A few minutes later Robert walked up to the people that told me that he had a crush on me and told them what happened. It was then that I realized it was all a joke to see how I would react and to make fun of me. I was so crushed.
A few months later, the same senario happened with Robert's best friend. They told me that he liked me, but I told them if he really did, he should come up to me and ask me out himself. Later that day, he did. We dated for a little bit, but to this day I have no idea if it was real or just a joke. Even to this day when he and I are in the same room someone will say, "Hey did you know that these two dated?!" and then of course people would flip out and say they didn't believe it and laugh. I've asked a couple times if it was real and he continues to say it was...but I just don't believe him. It happened once before in that same circle of friends. Why wouldn't it happen again?
So that's my second bullying story. Kinda messed up, don't you think?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Post Dragon*Con Blues
Day 34
Hello everyone!Well, this last weekend was quite an event! Our Friday show went well, my brother Boris and his girlfriend came and sat in the front row. That made me quite happy. To me, my brother is like the most popular guy everywhere he goes..I was back stage peaking through the curtain and I could see him talking to the whole row behind him, sharing the glow sticks he bought. Everyone seemed to really like him. Is it weird to say that I always wished to be like my brother? I invite him places because I know people will be like, "Oh man, your brother is awesome, you should bring him around more often!" Chances are, if I will bringing him along...wouldn't that kinda make me cool too?
On Saturday, our show began a little late...well, a lot late. We went on around 3:00am and didn't finish until 5:10am. I was exhausted. Spencer and I practically ran to our hotel room afterwards to go to sleep. Boy did I sleep well! Only problem...Spencer woke up bright and early starving for food. We of course got up, and went to the Con Suite where they offer free food. While we were there, we ran into someone I met at our table the day before. She was pretty cool, she kinda looked like Drew Barrymore. Anyways, she told me that she came to the show and really enjoyed it. Before I forget to mention this...some guy who was pretty drunk decided to jump onto our stage during the show, and hide on top of our "Dinner table" for one of our scenes. We kinda played it off. In fact, we played it off so well that this girl had no idea that it was some random guy! Yes, that was my random fact for this blog!
Now, Sunday was probably the best day out of them all. Even though the weather changed for the worse and began to rain and was pretty chilly, we got to hang out with some pretty cool people. We hung out with a guy named Nate, we met him once before at a Celldweller concert. Then at night we met up with a now good friend of mine, Amber. We all hung out in our hotel room, just hanging out and having a good time. We all got pretty close, and kinda talked about life and how interesting and yet really messed up it is. It was a lot of fun!
Moving on...I have of course saved the best for last!! I went to a Back to the Future panel, and got to see the real live actor that played Doc Brown!!! It was absolutely amazing! My father had shown me that movie for the first time when I was just a little kid, so I have seen that movie so many times before and it was kinda like, "Wow, this is a guy from the movies. This is a guy that has been through what I am going through. This guy, made a name for himself." I couldn't even tell you how badly I wanted to go up to the mic during Q&A and tell him that I am a struggling actress and wanted advice/help in any way. Of course I didn't. Even though I think this blog is a great idea and I am praying that someone important will read it...I can't help but think that I am stupid for this whole thing. How many of my dreams must break before I quit trying?
To end this kidna all over the place entry..I am really bummed that the weekend is over. I miss all the great people I was able to hang out with, and I really miss being on stage in front of a sold out crowd. Who knows, maybe more applause will come again in my future?
Hello everyone!Well, this last weekend was quite an event! Our Friday show went well, my brother Boris and his girlfriend came and sat in the front row. That made me quite happy. To me, my brother is like the most popular guy everywhere he goes..I was back stage peaking through the curtain and I could see him talking to the whole row behind him, sharing the glow sticks he bought. Everyone seemed to really like him. Is it weird to say that I always wished to be like my brother? I invite him places because I know people will be like, "Oh man, your brother is awesome, you should bring him around more often!" Chances are, if I will bringing him along...wouldn't that kinda make me cool too?
On Saturday, our show began a little late...well, a lot late. We went on around 3:00am and didn't finish until 5:10am. I was exhausted. Spencer and I practically ran to our hotel room afterwards to go to sleep. Boy did I sleep well! Only problem...Spencer woke up bright and early starving for food. We of course got up, and went to the Con Suite where they offer free food. While we were there, we ran into someone I met at our table the day before. She was pretty cool, she kinda looked like Drew Barrymore. Anyways, she told me that she came to the show and really enjoyed it. Before I forget to mention this...some guy who was pretty drunk decided to jump onto our stage during the show, and hide on top of our "Dinner table" for one of our scenes. We kinda played it off. In fact, we played it off so well that this girl had no idea that it was some random guy! Yes, that was my random fact for this blog!
Now, Sunday was probably the best day out of them all. Even though the weather changed for the worse and began to rain and was pretty chilly, we got to hang out with some pretty cool people. We hung out with a guy named Nate, we met him once before at a Celldweller concert. Then at night we met up with a now good friend of mine, Amber. We all hung out in our hotel room, just hanging out and having a good time. We all got pretty close, and kinda talked about life and how interesting and yet really messed up it is. It was a lot of fun!
Moving on...I have of course saved the best for last!! I went to a Back to the Future panel, and got to see the real live actor that played Doc Brown!!! It was absolutely amazing! My father had shown me that movie for the first time when I was just a little kid, so I have seen that movie so many times before and it was kinda like, "Wow, this is a guy from the movies. This is a guy that has been through what I am going through. This guy, made a name for himself." I couldn't even tell you how badly I wanted to go up to the mic during Q&A and tell him that I am a struggling actress and wanted advice/help in any way. Of course I didn't. Even though I think this blog is a great idea and I am praying that someone important will read it...I can't help but think that I am stupid for this whole thing. How many of my dreams must break before I quit trying?
To end this kidna all over the place entry..I am really bummed that the weekend is over. I miss all the great people I was able to hang out with, and I really miss being on stage in front of a sold out crowd. Who knows, maybe more applause will come again in my future?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dragon*Con = 4,000 People
Day 28
Like the photo? It's my Miley Cyrus "Can't Be Tamed" costume from last years Dragon*Con. Sorry about the messy room! Things get pretty hectic around Con!
So for those of you that follow my blog, you know that this weekend is Dragon*Con and I am going to be performing for around 3,000 - 4,000 people. YIKES! Even though I am not nervous at this point, I am certain that I will be at some point. I am so excited! I have spent all day today making arrangements for this event. I bought body paint, food, iron on letting for some kick ass LDOD underwear that I've put together, and a whole bunch of stuff that I am quite certain will make this weekend a great deal of fun. I am getting dropped off at the Westin Hotel tomorrow around 3:00pm and then not doing much until 5:00pm. At five, I am working the Lips Down on Dixie Dragon*Con table. I believe it is located in the Marriott. You guys should come say hello! I'll be there until around 7:00pm.
Then, later around 10:00pm, it is off to the Amazing Plaza Theare where I will be doing the usual Friday show. Then, because my boyfriend is SO excited for Con, it looks like we will be going out around 3:00am (after our show) and hanging out with some people, maybe see if there is still an event going on. (There usually is!)
Saturday is probably going to be nothing shy of crazy. First the most important thing. Sleeping in. Even though Con is so exciting, the most excitement happens at night, therefore, sleeping in is okay. Then, roam around for several hours and hang out with people until 10:00pm. This is when the LDOD cast will be put in our "VIP dressing room" and we will start getting ready for our big show. This is the part that I am REALLY not looking forward to. Most of you don't know this, but I have a HUGE tattoo on my back. (it's the serenity prayer) I learned it while I stayed at Ridgeview. We said it everyday, and at all the meetings, so it means quite a bit to me. Therefore, it is my tattooed on me. :) I've actually had a couple people walk up to me and say, "You know, I've been having a really bad day today and then I looked up and saw your tattoo. Now I feel so much better!" It turns out they were in some sort of recovery as well. ANYWAYS, my point is that I have to get that whole tattoo covered up. I spent almost two hours with a wonderful lady at Macy's Perimeter Mall trying to get my other very small tattoo covered up perfectly, but sadly it takes a lot of time and nothing matches my skin right. Regardless of how kinda off it looks, I spent about $73 on all the tattoo cover up, and am dreading putting it on.
At 1:30am our big show begins! I hope to see you all there! Get there early...very early. Usually people begin to line up 2 hours in advance. The line usually goes out the hotel and wraps around twice...or something like that. At the end of the show, the lights will come on and everyone will be allowed to leave. Hopefully some of you that are reading this will actually be coming and will be able to take some time out of your night to stop by the stage and say hello before you leave. Trust me, I will be waiting with my fingers crossed! So that's what's happening on Saturday.
Sunday is a pretty chill day. We are going to party hard and have a lot of fun. I will be working again at the LDOD table somewhere between 4-7...I'm not certain of the exact time. If you go up to the table, you can always ask the person working when I come on. Later that night there is some sort of Dragon*Con rave which I plan on attending. Hopefully it is a lot of fun. I love dubstep music and would love to get my dance on.
So that is this weekend in a nut shell. Hopefully I can get some pictures up, emphasis on the hopefully. See you all soon!!
<3 Always,
Polina aka Angel
Like the photo? It's my Miley Cyrus "Can't Be Tamed" costume from last years Dragon*Con. Sorry about the messy room! Things get pretty hectic around Con!
So for those of you that follow my blog, you know that this weekend is Dragon*Con and I am going to be performing for around 3,000 - 4,000 people. YIKES! Even though I am not nervous at this point, I am certain that I will be at some point. I am so excited! I have spent all day today making arrangements for this event. I bought body paint, food, iron on letting for some kick ass LDOD underwear that I've put together, and a whole bunch of stuff that I am quite certain will make this weekend a great deal of fun. I am getting dropped off at the Westin Hotel tomorrow around 3:00pm and then not doing much until 5:00pm. At five, I am working the Lips Down on Dixie Dragon*Con table. I believe it is located in the Marriott. You guys should come say hello! I'll be there until around 7:00pm.
Then, later around 10:00pm, it is off to the Amazing Plaza Theare where I will be doing the usual Friday show. Then, because my boyfriend is SO excited for Con, it looks like we will be going out around 3:00am (after our show) and hanging out with some people, maybe see if there is still an event going on. (There usually is!)
Saturday is probably going to be nothing shy of crazy. First the most important thing. Sleeping in. Even though Con is so exciting, the most excitement happens at night, therefore, sleeping in is okay. Then, roam around for several hours and hang out with people until 10:00pm. This is when the LDOD cast will be put in our "VIP dressing room" and we will start getting ready for our big show. This is the part that I am REALLY not looking forward to. Most of you don't know this, but I have a HUGE tattoo on my back. (it's the serenity prayer) I learned it while I stayed at Ridgeview. We said it everyday, and at all the meetings, so it means quite a bit to me. Therefore, it is my tattooed on me. :) I've actually had a couple people walk up to me and say, "You know, I've been having a really bad day today and then I looked up and saw your tattoo. Now I feel so much better!" It turns out they were in some sort of recovery as well. ANYWAYS, my point is that I have to get that whole tattoo covered up. I spent almost two hours with a wonderful lady at Macy's Perimeter Mall trying to get my other very small tattoo covered up perfectly, but sadly it takes a lot of time and nothing matches my skin right. Regardless of how kinda off it looks, I spent about $73 on all the tattoo cover up, and am dreading putting it on.
At 1:30am our big show begins! I hope to see you all there! Get there early...very early. Usually people begin to line up 2 hours in advance. The line usually goes out the hotel and wraps around twice...or something like that. At the end of the show, the lights will come on and everyone will be allowed to leave. Hopefully some of you that are reading this will actually be coming and will be able to take some time out of your night to stop by the stage and say hello before you leave. Trust me, I will be waiting with my fingers crossed! So that's what's happening on Saturday.
Sunday is a pretty chill day. We are going to party hard and have a lot of fun. I will be working again at the LDOD table somewhere between 4-7...I'm not certain of the exact time. If you go up to the table, you can always ask the person working when I come on. Later that night there is some sort of Dragon*Con rave which I plan on attending. Hopefully it is a lot of fun. I love dubstep music and would love to get my dance on.
So that is this weekend in a nut shell. Hopefully I can get some pictures up, emphasis on the hopefully. See you all soon!!
<3 Always,
Polina aka Angel
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Maybe dreams DO come true?
Day 20
Today quite possibly may be one of the best days of my life. While at work today, I had the privilege of serving two wonderful men from a news station. When I finally got the courage, I decided to fight for what I believe in and asked them about their opinion about my blog and my fight against bullying. I told them about how I would love to one day be famous and still help out people that are having issues with bullying and depression. After some back and forth talking, they actually seemed interested in what I was telling them about! They asked for my contact information and my blog info and said that they would talk to some other people about it.
I was so excited I ran to the back of the restaurant where a coworker of mine came up to me. I told her that I was so happy and began to cry tears of joy. I have been working so hard to find someone interested in my story, and I am praying so hard that this will be my big break. I really hope they don't forget, and call me soon. My phone won't be leaving my side any time soon!!
In other news, I have decided to share stories of my being bullied days. I figure, this way you guys could get a better understanding about what I have gone through and maybe we could connect on a greater level? I will leave a story quite often, these stories may be brutal, or they can be just minor bullying stories. Regardless of the type of the story, it is important to remember that no type of bullying is okay. Have you ever been told the story about the bullied banana? Here is how it goes. Imagine a banana as a person. Each time the banana gets bullied, you prick it with a needle. The more times you poke it with a needle, you will see that the banana still looks the same on the outside. However, if you peel the banana, you will see that the banana has begun bruising where it has been poked. Get the analogy? Just because you hurt someone on the inside, doesn't mean that you will see it on the outside. Be careful...before it's too late.
Here is my first story. It happened my senior year while I was attending Dunwoody High School. I was in my art class working on my project. I overheard a story someone was telling and I began to laugh. Then someone in the class screamed out, "Oh my god, Polina just laughed!!" I was so confused and I responded with, "What are you talking about, I laugh all the time." Eventually they started making fun about the fact that I was so depressed and being around me was like watching a car accident happen. I was so embarrased because everyone could hear this, so my first reaction was to bring in the teacher to the conversation because she was listening. "Do you think I am depressed?" I asked her hoping that she would prove everyone wrong in the class. "Well, obviously!" She replied as she laughed and walked away. I was stunned. I sank into my seat and kept to myself for the rest of the period. Could no one really see the damage that they have caused? It has been two years since this event, and I still think about it almost every day. I wish someone had stood up for me. I wish someone had taken me aside and asked me if I was okay, or if I needed someone to talk to. But no one did.
This is a bullying story, but it also has a lot to do with my depression from the past. I think it is a very important story to share because it shows how people really need to help others out. If you see someone is being bullied, or seems really down, why not ask them if they are ok? Why is popularity more important than someone's life?
On a final note, if you guys are in the Atlanta area on Friday night, come check me out at The Plaza Theatre Performing with the fantastic LDOD cast. We will show you The Rocky Horror Picture Show in a way you will never forget! I will be your Janet!! Hope to see you all there!!
<3 Always,
Polina (Angel)
Today quite possibly may be one of the best days of my life. While at work today, I had the privilege of serving two wonderful men from a news station. When I finally got the courage, I decided to fight for what I believe in and asked them about their opinion about my blog and my fight against bullying. I told them about how I would love to one day be famous and still help out people that are having issues with bullying and depression. After some back and forth talking, they actually seemed interested in what I was telling them about! They asked for my contact information and my blog info and said that they would talk to some other people about it.
I was so excited I ran to the back of the restaurant where a coworker of mine came up to me. I told her that I was so happy and began to cry tears of joy. I have been working so hard to find someone interested in my story, and I am praying so hard that this will be my big break. I really hope they don't forget, and call me soon. My phone won't be leaving my side any time soon!!
In other news, I have decided to share stories of my being bullied days. I figure, this way you guys could get a better understanding about what I have gone through and maybe we could connect on a greater level? I will leave a story quite often, these stories may be brutal, or they can be just minor bullying stories. Regardless of the type of the story, it is important to remember that no type of bullying is okay. Have you ever been told the story about the bullied banana? Here is how it goes. Imagine a banana as a person. Each time the banana gets bullied, you prick it with a needle. The more times you poke it with a needle, you will see that the banana still looks the same on the outside. However, if you peel the banana, you will see that the banana has begun bruising where it has been poked. Get the analogy? Just because you hurt someone on the inside, doesn't mean that you will see it on the outside. Be careful...before it's too late.
Here is my first story. It happened my senior year while I was attending Dunwoody High School. I was in my art class working on my project. I overheard a story someone was telling and I began to laugh. Then someone in the class screamed out, "Oh my god, Polina just laughed!!" I was so confused and I responded with, "What are you talking about, I laugh all the time." Eventually they started making fun about the fact that I was so depressed and being around me was like watching a car accident happen. I was so embarrased because everyone could hear this, so my first reaction was to bring in the teacher to the conversation because she was listening. "Do you think I am depressed?" I asked her hoping that she would prove everyone wrong in the class. "Well, obviously!" She replied as she laughed and walked away. I was stunned. I sank into my seat and kept to myself for the rest of the period. Could no one really see the damage that they have caused? It has been two years since this event, and I still think about it almost every day. I wish someone had stood up for me. I wish someone had taken me aside and asked me if I was okay, or if I needed someone to talk to. But no one did.
This is a bullying story, but it also has a lot to do with my depression from the past. I think it is a very important story to share because it shows how people really need to help others out. If you see someone is being bullied, or seems really down, why not ask them if they are ok? Why is popularity more important than someone's life?
On a final note, if you guys are in the Atlanta area on Friday night, come check me out at The Plaza Theatre Performing with the fantastic LDOD cast. We will show you The Rocky Horror Picture Show in a way you will never forget! I will be your Janet!! Hope to see you all there!!
<3 Always,
Polina (Angel)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Am I on MTV's Made???
Day Five
Well, things were a little crazy yesterday. As usual, I went to work in the morning. I got a really mean customer, so my day there wasn't all that great. When I got home my boyfriend and I went to Phipps mall so I could buy a dress for his cousin's wedding. After that, to Sally's Beauty Supply we went to buy hair color. I knew this day was coming up because I promised that I would color my hair so that way if any of it came out of the wig during Dragon Con, it wouldn't matter because my dirty blonde hair now matches the wig color! I've never been a dirty blonde before. I kinda like it!
So last night I had a bit of a weird acting dream. In my dream I was at the store with my boyfriend when we noticed that we were in front of a girl in line who was filming for MTV's Made. I then started moving around to ensure that I was in the camera's view. Eventually, I even fake fainted. As the dream went on, we walked around the store with the girl. She was very friendly and loved the camera as much as I did. Towards the end of the dream, I noticed that my boyfriend was sitting outside looking sad. When I went to confront him, he said everything was fine. We then noticed something coming from the sky straight for us. As we ran into the store we were pushed to the ground from some sort of force caused by what fell from the sky. I woke up shortly after my boyfriend and I scooted towards the back wall of the store and started holding each other as the worry took over.
The being on Made was kinda cool, but the probably dying part not so much. I wonder if this dream means anything?
Well, things were a little crazy yesterday. As usual, I went to work in the morning. I got a really mean customer, so my day there wasn't all that great. When I got home my boyfriend and I went to Phipps mall so I could buy a dress for his cousin's wedding. After that, to Sally's Beauty Supply we went to buy hair color. I knew this day was coming up because I promised that I would color my hair so that way if any of it came out of the wig during Dragon Con, it wouldn't matter because my dirty blonde hair now matches the wig color! I've never been a dirty blonde before. I kinda like it!
So last night I had a bit of a weird acting dream. In my dream I was at the store with my boyfriend when we noticed that we were in front of a girl in line who was filming for MTV's Made. I then started moving around to ensure that I was in the camera's view. Eventually, I even fake fainted. As the dream went on, we walked around the store with the girl. She was very friendly and loved the camera as much as I did. Towards the end of the dream, I noticed that my boyfriend was sitting outside looking sad. When I went to confront him, he said everything was fine. We then noticed something coming from the sky straight for us. As we ran into the store we were pushed to the ground from some sort of force caused by what fell from the sky. I woke up shortly after my boyfriend and I scooted towards the back wall of the store and started holding each other as the worry took over.
The being on Made was kinda cool, but the probably dying part not so much. I wonder if this dream means anything?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Twittered Out
Day 3
Oh my goodness!! The last 2 days have been absolutely insane Twitter wise!I have been all over Twitter doing everything that I possibly could to bring out the word about my blog. Who would have known that it would take that much work to find people to talk about it with?
Anyways, I have decided to take the day off from Twitter today. I need a break. Not to mention, I just got home from Dragon Con practice and I am so tired! It went REALLY well though! I did everything that I was supposed to and I'm finally starting to feel like I deserve the part. I was doubting myself for a little while because I am so new to the part, and there were other people auditioning for the same part that have been doing it for a while now. I'm glad things are going well! :)
Until tomorrow!
<3 Always,
Oh my goodness!! The last 2 days have been absolutely insane Twitter wise!I have been all over Twitter doing everything that I possibly could to bring out the word about my blog. Who would have known that it would take that much work to find people to talk about it with?
Anyways, I have decided to take the day off from Twitter today. I need a break. Not to mention, I just got home from Dragon Con practice and I am so tired! It went REALLY well though! I did everything that I was supposed to and I'm finally starting to feel like I deserve the part. I was doubting myself for a little while because I am so new to the part, and there were other people auditioning for the same part that have been doing it for a while now. I'm glad things are going well! :)
Until tomorrow!
<3 Always,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Melissa Carter from my favorite radio show The Bert Show!!
Day 2
Okay, so every since I was a little girl, on my way to school, or work, or anywhere I would go in the morning, I would listen to The Bert Show on Q100 radio station. I sent out some messages on Twitter mentioning my blog last night, and Melissa Carter from The Bert Show commented on it saying, "Congrats on your gig at @DragonCon!" OMG!! You have no idea about how my heart had dropped that she had gone to my blog, read a little, and even took some time out of her busy day to message me back. I'm starting to think this whole messaging people on Twitter thing was a good idea, because I had 68 views on my blog JUST THIS MORNING! It's only 12:19pm! Can you see the excitement? Boy how I hope that this is just the beginning!!
In other news in the Polina world, I had a blast playing Janet last night. I guess all of those Dragon Con rehearsals have been paying off. When I performed the floor show scene, the director and assistant director almost jumped right out of their seats! Actually, they might have jumped out of their seats. I could hear them yelling with excitement while I was on the stage. It felt great. It really did!!
I guess that is all for today. Please subscribe!
<3 Always,
Polina Milter
Okay, so every since I was a little girl, on my way to school, or work, or anywhere I would go in the morning, I would listen to The Bert Show on Q100 radio station. I sent out some messages on Twitter mentioning my blog last night, and Melissa Carter from The Bert Show commented on it saying, "Congrats on your gig at @DragonCon!" OMG!! You have no idea about how my heart had dropped that she had gone to my blog, read a little, and even took some time out of her busy day to message me back. I'm starting to think this whole messaging people on Twitter thing was a good idea, because I had 68 views on my blog JUST THIS MORNING! It's only 12:19pm! Can you see the excitement? Boy how I hope that this is just the beginning!!
In other news in the Polina world, I had a blast playing Janet last night. I guess all of those Dragon Con rehearsals have been paying off. When I performed the floor show scene, the director and assistant director almost jumped right out of their seats! Actually, they might have jumped out of their seats. I could hear them yelling with excitement while I was on the stage. It felt great. It really did!!
I guess that is all for today. Please subscribe!
<3 Always,
Polina Milter
Friday, August 5, 2011
Lets start from day 1.
As mentioned much earlier, I have decided to start again on my Journey to Fame. We will start again from today's date. August 5, 2011. Fingers crossed that things go well. Here is a recap for those of you just joining us.
My name is Polina, some people call me Angel.
When I was younger I was bullied. I was bullied so much that I cried all the time in the bathroom at school. Honestly, sometimes it even felt like my teachers were bullying me. As I transitioned into high school I realized that I had no friends. I missed a lot of school, and when I was at school I spent my time alone. I would constantly look up at the clock waiting for class to be over. I spent most school lunches in the library. I didn't see the point of being in the cafeteria alone. Not being able to eat in the library, the amount of times I ate a day slowly decreased. I didn't care. I didn't want to eat. Not to mention, I could look like a cheerleader if I lost some weight! Maybe then I would look hot like them and they would let me on the squad! Sometimes I would be crying and debating on eating lunch in the one could see me crying in a bathroom stall.
I graduated high school in 2009 and moved onto college. It was around this time that I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. A cronic pain disease which turned my life around. Now not only was I depressed because I was alone, but now I was depressed from the pain!The one friend that I did have moved away to St. Louis. On September 17, 2009 I took thirteen sleeping pills in attempt to end my life. What was the point of living life if there was no one there with me? Luckily I began to think of the two kittens I had just adopted and my family. I couldn't put them through my death. I was rushed to the hospital and then sent to Ridgeview Institute.
While in Ridgeview I decided to make a name for myself. To end bullying and to do what I want to do. I want to be on the big screen. I want to end bullying by telling my story. People listen to celebrities. I'd even love to travel to schools and tell them my story! Not to mention, I am FANTASTIC in front of a camera! I can act really well! I want to show people that they aren't alone, and if I can make it through bullying, so can they. Today I attend school at Georgia Perimeter College and I finally have friends!
To conclude, bullying doesn't have to affect everyone as hard as it did me. I started a blog. called Journey to Fame. When I left Ridgeview I knew I had to make something of myself. Reach my dreams. Why do I have to settle for less when I know I am worth so much more? I want my dream to come true. I want my name in lights and helping people along the way. My life is an open book, and I need you to help me a long the way.
365 days. That is all that I have. 365 to make it on TV or Movies, or anything of the sort.
Please subscribe to my blog at the top left corner of your screen! Thanks!!
Polina Milter
Saturday, July 30, 2011
From The UK to Russia...
HELLO to all my readers!
I was looking around on blog spot and just saw that I could see where all my readers are. I am glad to see that I have much more than I thought I did.
Now, I know I said just a few moments earlier that I was done writing for today, but I thought of a couple things that I felt needed to be said.
1. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blog.
2. I just found all my comments from my blog entry. Not sure why, but it wasn't telling me that I had any before. I read some really positive comments, and some not so positive. That's okay though. :) I understand that by putting my actual thoughts online and not holding anything back, I am going to get some negative feedback.
3. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I started writing a book about six years ago and it is now completed except for the editing. I am going to take several hours out of the next couple weeks to complete this editing. Then, after that, it will be time to look for publishers!
<3 Always,
Totally Embarrassed!

So as I mentioned in yesterday's blog, last night was fetish night at Rocky. It seemed like it was going to be a great day, especially since I looked totally awesome in the outfit I was wearing...but then it happened. I got on stage to do the dance, and was so thrown off that I ended up thinking we were WAY ahead when we obviously weren't. I ended up screwing up the dance completely, and then messing up someone else with me. :( Anyways, I was so upset about the dance, I had a hard time getting into character with Janet. I didn't do bad with Janet, but I didn't do it perfectly.
I know I shouldn't keep myself down about this. You win some, you lose some. This just means that I need to work my butt off for next week's show. I have Dragon Con practice tomorrow, so hopefully that goes well. I am a little nervous about it.
That is all for today's entry. I am off to a Rocky gathering at the director's home. Please subscribe to my blog. I believe the button to do so is in the top left hand corner.
<3 Always,
Friday, July 29, 2011
Jar of Hearts

WOAH! Two blog posts in one day?! Where is this world coming to!? Ha!
Anyways, I emailed a couple other people now...still waiting for a response of course.
I wanted to mention that I saw the singer of Jar of Hearts on the season premier of LA Ink, and it talked about her struggle to become a singer. Basically what happened was they ended up using one of her songs on So You Think You Can Dance and she became an over night sensation after that!! She didn't even have a record deal until the next day! I kinda got to thinking, she got help from famous people, maybe me trying to do the same isn't so bad after all? I mean, didn't all famous people become famous because of someone else famous? It could be their parents, agents, producers, friends, anyone! To get into the light, you must be introduced into the light. At least that's the way I see it. So from now on, I'm opening my Jar of Hearts.
<3 always,
Fetish Night? I think so.

So lets start this blog entry with what I have done to get my name out there. I have started a myspace, There is nothing done on it yet, but there will be soon. I now have an iPhone4, so I can take videos and post them on YouTube, but haven't done that yet either. I have also sent out a couple emails to radio stations, and really cool people like Kat Von D. The cool thing about emailing Kat Von D, is if she's not willing to help, maybe she is willing to be pen pals or something? There is always room for hope, right?
Anyways, as usual I mention what I have going on that has to do with acting. As mentioned in my previous blog entry, I am going to be playing Janet for Rocky until mid September. Tonight is Rocky's Fetish Night. It should be a lot of fun. People, including myself, will be dressing up! I will be in a dance number to Madonna's Human Nature at the beginning of the show, and then playing Janet during the show. Should be pretty hectic, but should be a lot fun!
Random thought!! How amazing would it be if Kat Von D read my email and flew in to see the show one night?! Yeah, I said before...There is always room for hope.
<3 always,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I Will Be On A Huge Stage At...

I have been casted as Janet (Lead female role), for the Dragon Con cast of Lips Down on Dixie! This means that I will be playing every Friday night from July 29-September 10! Not to mention...I will be on stage at Dragon Con! This is a HUGE honor because people from ALL OVER come to Dragon Con and they stop by our show! Last year the line for our show wrapped around the building TWICE!! I was working the selling table for LDOD last year had several people come up to me telling me how excited for the show they were and that they had been to the Dragon Con LDOD performance every time they came to Dragon Con. I am so excited to be a part of this. :)
I wanted to take some time and thank you guys for writing me the other day. I am not 100% certain if it was one person, or two. The letters had similar stories, but regardless it made me really happy to know that SOMEONE was actually reading this. It is a BIG world out there, and because of you I don't feel so little in it. I wish you the best of luck with your blog and hope to have you as a reader that always comes back.
Until next time,
<3 Always,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Shower Talk

Hello wonderful world of blogspot!
Even though I feel as if no one is reading my entries, I still find myself coming back occasionally to update my blog. I was in the shower earlier today and I started thinking about this blog, I knew I had to come back. Things aren't going to well on the fame side of life. I haven't done much acting, unless it is Rocky Horror related. Of course I want to do more movies, but I haven't found any connections like I thought I would. Not to mention, I am obviously not willing to drop out of school to find a movie gig...that would be kinda stupid. On the other hand...if one was offered to me, that would be a different story.
My boyfriend asked me the other day why I don't act anymore. He kinda acted like he thought what I was doing was cool, and now I kinda let him down. Damn, if only things were easier.
I was on the pilot episode of Franklin and Bash! Around 45 minutes in, there is a courtroom scene and the actor Mark Paul is talking to the Jury. Well, there I am right in front. :) !!! You get to see my beautiful face for quite a bit. If only the damn makeup artist didn't put on that bright red lipstick on me right before the director yelled, "ACTION!!!"
I haven't started a YouTube account with this yet, I really think that I should though.
It would be really great if you guys reading this...if there is anyone...would comment or email me. Just so I can have some motivation to keep going. I would love to connect with all of you. To hear what you truly feel about what I am doing. So even if you are not subscribed to my blog...leave a comment!!
If anyone is free tomorrow night and lives in the Atlanta area, I will be playing Janet (lead female role) at Rocky Horror which shows at the Plaza Theatre at Midnight. I hope to see you all there! Make sure that you say hello to me at the end of the show. I will be waiting with the rest of the cast right outside the theatre doors.
<3 Always,
Friday, June 3, 2011
Lips Down On Dixie: An Oral History

Good Evening Assholes and Sluts!
For those of you that are unaware of the reasoning behind my aggressive greeting, you must all be Rocky Horror virgins!
In 1975 the worst of all movies was created. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or RHPS, is a parody of science fiction and B-list movies. Leave it all up to the human population to make the movie better. With hundreds of popular callout lines, sprinkled water for rain, and games such as The Big Oh and the Bitch and the Butch, RHPS became a well known and well attended event that everyone should attend at least once.
Lips Down on Dixe, a shadow cast in Atlanta, Georgia, has just celebrated their tenth anniversary of performing RHPS. Led by their director Candace Weslosky-Miller, Lips Down on Dixie has earned their title as the best shadow cast of RHPS in the south east. I was privileged enough by being able to interview the assistant director Jevocas Green at a cast gathering one night. When I asked him how much the LDOD cast makes, I was stunned to learn that they didn’t make a cent. In fact, when LDOD began, the cast paid their way into the theater every week to perform.
So what is it that makes LDOD’s performance so amazing? Lizzy Fowler, an attendee of the show said, “I love how the cast is very good. It’s like perfectly in sync. That was the first time that I went that I really noticed. I was really impressed by how in sync you guys were.” LDOD has screen accurate costumes and props to make the show come to life.
If you have seen RHPS at least once before you are probably familiar with the Time Warp. The Time Warp is a song number in the movie where Magenta, the house maid, Riff, Magenta’s brother and handy man of the house, and Columbia, a groupie of the owner of the house Frank-N-Furter, dance when Janet Weiss and fiancĂ© Brad Majors arrive at the home. When this scene of the movie plays everyone in the theater watching stands up and dances along with the screen. I asked Katie Brooks, a virgin of the RHPS, if she stood up and danced during the Time Warp and she responded with, “Yes I did. Oh, I danced!”
So let’s go over the basics. You have come to the show, been called an asshole or a slut, done the time warp, and listened to all the AP, or audience participation, lines and have gotten in your car to drive home. What do you do before coming back next time? According to Madeline Bryant who is also a virgin, “I wanna come back, but I wanna read the script.” Brooks added, “I saw it once before and I thought it was a pretty crazy movie and I heard about all the added lines but I didn’t know any of them.”
I asked all three girls if they would say that everyone should see RHPS at least once and if they had anything else to add and they all said, “Yeah! Definitely! We will be coming back! We will be those people that come like sixteen times and know all the lines!”
To conclude my favorite article and interview, please come out to see Lips Down on Dixie perform The Rocky Horror Picture Show any Friday night at midnight at the historic Plaza Theatre. I guarantee it will, “thrill you, chill you, and fulfill you.”
A special thank you to Jevocas Green, Candace Weslosky-Miller, Lizzy Fowler, Katie Brooks, and Madeline Bryant for allowing me to interview them.
See you Friday!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
To Tilted Kilt, or to Not Tilted Kilt?
I have been searching high and low for a job and I can't see to find one anywhere. I have a job interview tonight at Tilted Kilt and I can't decide if I should go to it or not. Their uniforms are very...short. Plus I don't have the model type body that they are probably looking for. I mean of course I am skinny, but I have hips. Boy do I have hips. So...what should I do?! My acting jobs better come to me soon! Otherwise, a long and twisted journey to find a job that I am not even interested in!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Technically My Year is Up

So do I continue this blog or finish this journey or do I end it? It's kind of confusing really. Mainly because recently I have been talking a little bit with Janet Fitch author of White Oleander and Paint it Black and she is doing so well that she's getting a second movie deal!She was just talking about making the movie an who she wants to play the lead role and I thought to myself..THAT COULD BE ME! Obviously not literally, but I mean some day...some one may find me. They might look at me and think, "This girl has what it takes. My movie would be nothing without her." All I just gotta do is keep faith, and keep it going. So, let's start year 2!
PS. I would really love to hear from some of my followers. Here's my email address.
Friday, March 11, 2011
I Feel Like Time is Slipping Through My Fingers
April is right around the corner and that will be the end of this blog...365 days...already. I have contacted so many people in the media asking for their help in making my dream come true, but no one has responded.
Yesterday my fibromyalgia was flaring up really badly. It came to my mind, what if I end up walking with a cane by the time I'm 40 years old? Sometimes I walk with a limp, on my bad days.
My time is so limited. Sure I am only 21 years old, but am I really? Sometimes I feel so much older!! With all the doctor appointments that I have had, the pain, the limping...HOW OLD AM I?! Is it stupid to say that I find it really hard to believe that I will live a long time? I cant really see my life past 40. I feel like I am 80 years old... so another 19 years seems about right...right?
Yesterday my fibromyalgia was flaring up really badly. It came to my mind, what if I end up walking with a cane by the time I'm 40 years old? Sometimes I walk with a limp, on my bad days.
My time is so limited. Sure I am only 21 years old, but am I really? Sometimes I feel so much older!! With all the doctor appointments that I have had, the pain, the limping...HOW OLD AM I?! Is it stupid to say that I find it really hard to believe that I will live a long time? I cant really see my life past 40. I feel like I am 80 years old... so another 19 years seems about right...right?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Rocky Horror takes on Lions Lighthouse for Sight
This Friday is a big night for Rocky! When I say big...I meant HUGE!! All of our proceeds go to Lions Lighthouse for Sight. What is Lions Lighthouse for Sight you ask? Well, here is all the info about the event that you are going to want to know.
***FOR IMMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Contact-Aron Siegel
Atlanta—Lady Gaga and Rocky Horror fans are in store for a special show this Friday February 25th, 2011 at The Plaza Theater at Midnight. Atlanta’s longest running ‘live show’, Rocky Horror Picture Show, featuring live performance group Lips Down On Dixie, will present a choreographed dance routine to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” in honor of February being the month of Love. Since “Love is Blind”, all proceeds from the cast sales that evening will be donated to the Lion’s Lighthouse for Sight of Georgia which will help support the ‘Lion’s Night of Spectacles’, a fundraiser which helps provide sight-saving surgery for those that are not uninsured or unable to afford the procedures otherwise.
Audience members are being asked to dress in their best Gaga Gala attire and are also encouraged to bring unwanted prescription glasses to donate to the Lions Lighthouse. In addition to the special dance number, the always unique pre-show will include an audience participation game, a raffle of wondrous stuff from far and unreachable places, and sales of t-shirts, candy, and other novelty items sold by the hottest girls and guys on cast. Cast director Candace W. Miller, a longtime leader of Lips Down On Dixie, and full time Georgia Eye Partners ophthalmic assistant will emcee the festivities which will begin at Midnight. Door open at 11pm for ticket sales. Picture taking is encouraged.
Heading up the night’s cast as Dr. Frankenfurter is Jevocas Green, a crowd favorite, with Dustin Croft, Polina Milter, and Nyssa Daniels as Riff Raff, Magenta, and Columbia respectively. Christopher “Waldo” Sedgwick strips to his tidy whiteys to channel Barry Bostwick as Brad. Of equal caliber is Parris Broadus as Janet Weiss.
Longtime LDOD Producer Aron Siegel will play the Criminologist, while buff Zack Eidson wears the gold shorts to play the title character of Rocky Horror and newcomer Kyle “Percy” Woods wheels and deals as Dr. Scott. Zac Richarme motors onto the scene this week to play Eddie. The Luscious Lady of the Lips, the DIXIE TRIXIE for the night will be Elizabeth Norman dancing to “Science Fiction Double Feature” with an LDOD signature Burlesque striptease courtesy of cast choreographer Jevocas Green.
The Plaza Theater is over 70 years old, and is Atlanta’s only independent movie house.
Lips Down on Dixie, Incorporated, a licensed not-for-profit corporation, is one of the foremost casts in the southeast and is a proud member of The Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts. LDOD, which performs weekly Friday midnights at the Plaza Theatre in Atlanta, strives to put on a screen-accurate performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The group's devotion and attention to detail has paid off in the past, especially when a power failure forced members of the cast to sing and act sans film, accompaniment or amplification of any kind. The audience was treated to a unique experience and a more in-depth view of the talent this cast has to offer.
According to their corporate mission statement, LDOD strives to be not only a Rocky Cast, but also a full-fledged theatre organization.
Lips Down On Dixie’s slogan, “Betcha Haven’t Seen It Like This!
For more details, visit Lips Down on Dixie on facebook at:
And on the web at:
For more info on the Plaza:
For information about LIONS LIGHTHOUSE go to:
For information about the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts visit:
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