Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 26: What Do I Do?

Sorry that I haven't written in a while. Lately so much has been happening. It's my own life and sometimes I have trouble keeping up. So let me tell you the news about the auditions and then I will fill you in on why I am so confused.

So far I know that I did not get one of the auditions. As far as the other one, I still don't know. My monologue was amazing though. Did I have it memorized? No. I made it up as I went. But hey, it was still good.

So here is why I am so confused. This acting thing is fantastic and I absolutely love it, but how do I keep doing it with school at the same time? Summer is coming up and I have summer school. Basically I will be in school from 10-7 so how can I act? I don't want to give this up. I want to work hard for what I want because maybe then I'll achieve it. Then theres the fact that I am almost neglecting my school work for this semester because I'd rather be acting. I just wish things could be easier. I feel a bit stressed out from not knowing what to do. Then, to add more to it, I agreed to write a screenplay for an upcoming web movie. Where do I find the time?!

If someone could please comment and leave me advice that would be great. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day Twenty: The Memorization Begins

This upcoming weekend I have two auditions. Two auditions for real roles. One supporting, one main role. I am learning a one minute monologue to audition with. This will be my second monologue ever learned. So far it's going pretty well. I have more than half memorized so far. I just hope that come tomorrow I still remember it.

I just got a phone call about two minutes ago. I will be working on the set of Big Mama's House tomorrow! I can't wait! It should really be quite interesting. I can't wait.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day Sixteen: Ow

I had a great time on the set of Hall Pass. There were several cool people there. We were put by the lake and told to pretend that we were at the beach. They spray tanned me. For those of you that don't know me, I am as pale as Casper. Now here I am tan tan tan. Because of the spray tanning I wasn't really able to put 0n sunblock. Now from my knees to the top of my legs is completely burnt. Ow. I was going to start running again, but now I can't because it hurts too badly.

I guess this is the part where I start talking about Owen Wilson. I regret to inform you that I was not able to see him. He was close by, but from where I was I couldn't see him. *Tear rolls down*

There were several local kids that came over to the river by our tents to see what was going on. I'm not going to lie, I felt like a star every time I walked by them. I knew what they were thinking, "Who is that? Is she famous?" At least that is what I would be thinking. There is something about famous people that almost puts you into shock when your around them. It's a great feeling. I would love to give people that feeling one day.

In other news, I have an audition next Saturday for a movie done by some art school kids. It's not paid, but I'm sure I'd have a blast doing it. Plus I get the DVD when it's all done.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 14: Hall Pass

So a while ago I mentioned that I was going to work on the set of Hall Pass, but I ended up not doing it. The good news is that I will be on set tomorrow! I'm actually pretty excited because I'm hoping to get close to Owen Wilson. Yes, it's true. I find Owen Wilson very cute. So we are shooting on Lake Lanier and its going to be a beach party scene. This means bathing suits. I'm not too happy about that. For two reasons. The first, my bathing suits are from when I was 15 years old, they don't really look good on me anymore. 2. Confidence. My bathing suit body is not here yet! So hopefully everything will be okay, Wish me luck!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Twelve: A Night Amongst the Stars

Today I was on set of Drop Dead Diva. Might I add that I am a HUGE fan. Lets start off with the bad news. The bad news is that I had to wait for hours at a time in a room that felt like it was 1000 degrees below zero. I was absolutely miserable. I had someone else's jacket on, someone else's sweater on my knees and I was STILL freezing.

But the good news is waaay better. Brooke Elliot, the star of Drop Dead Diva, and I spoke for about a minute. No it's not long but when it's with the star of an amazing TV show it feels like an amazing lifetime. I told her that I was a big fan of the show and had seen every single episode. She was very kind, but didn't hold much of a conversation. Granted I was walking out of the room while speaking with her, but still. She didn't really speak much at all actually. She was very professional. Ready to work!

Now I was lucky enough to have about a five minute conversation with Kate Levering. Yes, I must say she is BEAUTIFUL. Unlike her character which is a rival of Jane Bingum, Kate was one of the most sweetest woman that I have ever met. Not only to me, but to the crew as well. She would often say, "Hey, how are you?" She was a noticeably a fantastic woman. So after I was used in a scene, we went back into the holding room. The moment I walked in I saw Kate standing at the snack table. I cleverly walked up to her and said, "Can I ask you a question about your hair?" She said sure. So I asked about her hair color, which by the way is completely relevant but I won't mention why because you will find out when you watch the second season of Drop Dead Diva...right? So this is how I started the conversation. I mentioned of course how big of a fan I am. Then someone else asked if she's still going for Jane's old boyfriend. Said said that her character had moved onto someone else. I responded with, "Knowing your character it's probably someone that would get you further in your career." She said, and I quote. "Wow, you really do watch the show don't you?" I was so proud of myself. It may be stupid, but I felt fantastic to know that I knew more about the show than anyone else there. Trust me it came in handy.

So that's all for today. I have my photo shoot with Derrick Tyson tomorrow. Cannot wait! See you on the screen of Drop Dead Diva. New season starts on June 6 on LifeTime.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day Ten: Mission Accomlished

Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I got sick. However I do have fantastic news! Tomorrow I leave for Peachtree City to be an extra in Drop Dead Diva, one of my favorite shows ever!! I'm super excited! Even better news when I attended a shooting today a director noticed me and was very interested in me. He interviewed me for quite some time and asked me to be in his upcoming movie The Fate of Love!! Of course I accepted! Even though I already have the part, I still have to go to the audition just so they can have me on film being there. So the audition is on April 24. Exciting ain't it? Will update you soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


1. Big Mama's House 3 - Even though I was so certain I was a part of it, I never got an email with the detailed location. I'm not going to lie, I was a little saddened by it.

2.April's Fools - A short film I was going to be the lead role, April. However it seems that my boyfriend does not allow it, no big deal, I'll find something else.

3. Fading Flowers - Although its not a paying gig, I am auditioning for the leading role in that as well. Unlike everything else though its not a TV show or Movie, it's a theater show.

So thats all for today. Wish me luck with my audition tomorrow! It's my first one! I'm so nervous! I'll tell you all about it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mind Blowing!

It amazes me how much can happen if you work hard enough for it. Here is what I have managed to grab a hold of now. 1. Possible Big Mama's House 3 (Movie) for a featured role. 2. fifty/50(TV show) a speaking role in which I debate over issues such as dating has become more of a job than anything. So the good news about all of this? I went from an extra to a speaking and dancing role! Thats a step in the right direction right? Hello? Anyone? I can't wait to tell you more soon!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Only three days in and I already find myself completely obsessed with trying to find an acting gig. I spend almost all my time on google trying to find new ways to say acting auditions in Atlanta, in hope that new links would pop up. Fun? No. Aggravating? Hell yes! If only you knew how many sites lure you in by saying, "Free casting calls!" Then, once you sign up, THEN do they say, pick a price that works for you. Annoying. I could have saved so much time on saying something else, but really still staying to google. The good news is however is that I have managed to send quite a few emails today. The bad news, I sent some info for a movie that took place in 2005. Um...oops.

If only I lived in California, then oppertunities would be all around me! I could probably walk down the street and pass a director. "You there! Would you like to be in a movie?" "Who me??" Ahhh...I can see it now. Well, I'm going to leave you for today, I'm going to dream about walking in California.

A Little More Faith

So I received another call back! This one is for a webisode that will later become a TV show. The difference between this one and the others? This one is for a real role! Of course I don't have the role yet, I still have to audition, but I feel good about it. Sorry that I didn't write yesterday, I fell, and can barely walk. Therefore I'm in a slightly bad mood and didn't want to write. But here I am today! Delivering great news! That is after all the purpose isn't it?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Day of Castings

So, obviously I'm not a star after one day. I haven't gotten anymore call backs, but I did search for some more castings in Atlanta. For all of you out there, finding castings isn't as easy as you would think it would be. There's so many people out there that have you pay for casting information and its absolutely ridiculous! Sometimes I just wish I can scream "Polina is right here! You can stop looking for a star now!" Then the director would come to my rescue.
Spoke to my boyfriend about kissing scenes in movies today today. The way I see it, is if he doesn't aprove, then there is no reason to even bother becoming an actress. Luckily he was totally cool about it. He understands that its just acting and just a kiss, nothing more. So thats all for today. Until tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome! Let Me Fill You In!

For as long as I can remember I have felt like there is a purpose in my life. Not just any purpose, but the type of purpose when you're known all around the world and are a role model to millions of children. It is why I have begun my mission to find fame. If successful, it would be in one, or both of these reasons: 1. Love's Death, my novel which I plan on publishing hopefully soon. 2. Acting career!
Now I am sure you have all heard about how hard it is to get into the entertainment business, but for the next year I plan on giving it my all and fight for what I want. So far I have only worked at it for a week, but have already received five callbacks! Sadly just because I got five call backs, doesn't mean that I was used five times. I was however used in Franklin and Bash (2010 tv) pilot episode which I believe airs in May. I was a jury member, right in the middle on the front row. Check out the link for more info. Also, Just today I received another call back for being an extra in Hall Pass (2011 movie). I haven't filmed yet, but I do know that I will be at a baseball game! Here's the link for the movie
What's the purpose of this blog you might ask? 1. To fill you in on my journey to fame. 2. I have 365 Days. One year. Aside from being an extra, I would like to achieve the goal of getting a major role in either a commercial, movie, and or tv show. Think I can do it? I do. So please, come follow me on my journey to fame!