Friday, April 16, 2010

Day Sixteen: Ow

I had a great time on the set of Hall Pass. There were several cool people there. We were put by the lake and told to pretend that we were at the beach. They spray tanned me. For those of you that don't know me, I am as pale as Casper. Now here I am tan tan tan. Because of the spray tanning I wasn't really able to put 0n sunblock. Now from my knees to the top of my legs is completely burnt. Ow. I was going to start running again, but now I can't because it hurts too badly.

I guess this is the part where I start talking about Owen Wilson. I regret to inform you that I was not able to see him. He was close by, but from where I was I couldn't see him. *Tear rolls down*

There were several local kids that came over to the river by our tents to see what was going on. I'm not going to lie, I felt like a star every time I walked by them. I knew what they were thinking, "Who is that? Is she famous?" At least that is what I would be thinking. There is something about famous people that almost puts you into shock when your around them. It's a great feeling. I would love to give people that feeling one day.

In other news, I have an audition next Saturday for a movie done by some art school kids. It's not paid, but I'm sure I'd have a blast doing it. Plus I get the DVD when it's all done.

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