Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Twelve: A Night Amongst the Stars

Today I was on set of Drop Dead Diva. Might I add that I am a HUGE fan. Lets start off with the bad news. The bad news is that I had to wait for hours at a time in a room that felt like it was 1000 degrees below zero. I was absolutely miserable. I had someone else's jacket on, someone else's sweater on my knees and I was STILL freezing.

But the good news is waaay better. Brooke Elliot, the star of Drop Dead Diva, and I spoke for about a minute. No it's not long but when it's with the star of an amazing TV show it feels like an amazing lifetime. I told her that I was a big fan of the show and had seen every single episode. She was very kind, but didn't hold much of a conversation. Granted I was walking out of the room while speaking with her, but still. She didn't really speak much at all actually. She was very professional. Ready to work!

Now I was lucky enough to have about a five minute conversation with Kate Levering. Yes, I must say she is BEAUTIFUL. Unlike her character which is a rival of Jane Bingum, Kate was one of the most sweetest woman that I have ever met. Not only to me, but to the crew as well. She would often say, "Hey, how are you?" She was a noticeably a fantastic woman. So after I was used in a scene, we went back into the holding room. The moment I walked in I saw Kate standing at the snack table. I cleverly walked up to her and said, "Can I ask you a question about your hair?" She said sure. So I asked about her hair color, which by the way is completely relevant but I won't mention why because you will find out when you watch the second season of Drop Dead Diva...right? So this is how I started the conversation. I mentioned of course how big of a fan I am. Then someone else asked if she's still going for Jane's old boyfriend. Said said that her character had moved onto someone else. I responded with, "Knowing your character it's probably someone that would get you further in your career." She said, and I quote. "Wow, you really do watch the show don't you?" I was so proud of myself. It may be stupid, but I felt fantastic to know that I knew more about the show than anyone else there. Trust me it came in handy.

So that's all for today. I have my photo shoot with Derrick Tyson tomorrow. Cannot wait! See you on the screen of Drop Dead Diva. New season starts on June 6 on LifeTime.

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