Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dragon*Con = 4,000 People

Day 28
Like the photo? It's my Miley Cyrus "Can't Be Tamed" costume from last years Dragon*Con. Sorry about the messy room! Things get pretty hectic around Con!

So for those of you that follow my blog, you know that this weekend is Dragon*Con and I am going to be performing for around 3,000 - 4,000 people. YIKES! Even though I am not nervous at this point, I am certain that I will be at some point. I am so excited! I have spent all day today making arrangements for this event. I bought body paint, food, iron on letting for some kick ass LDOD underwear that I've put together, and a whole bunch of stuff that I am quite certain will make this weekend a great deal of fun. I am getting dropped off at the Westin Hotel tomorrow around 3:00pm and then not doing much until 5:00pm. At five, I am working the Lips Down on Dixie Dragon*Con table. I believe it is located in the Marriott. You guys should come say hello! I'll be there until around 7:00pm.

Then, later around 10:00pm, it is off to the Amazing Plaza Theare where I will be doing the usual Friday show. Then, because my boyfriend is SO excited for Con, it looks like we will be going out around 3:00am (after our show) and hanging out with some people, maybe see if there is still an event going on. (There usually is!)

Saturday is probably going to be nothing shy of crazy. First the most important thing. Sleeping in. Even though Con is so exciting, the most excitement happens at night, therefore, sleeping in is okay. Then, roam around for several hours and hang out with people until 10:00pm. This is when the LDOD cast will be put in our "VIP dressing room" and we will start getting ready for our big show. This is the part that I am REALLY not looking forward to. Most of you don't know this, but I have a HUGE tattoo on my back. (it's the serenity prayer) I learned it while I stayed at Ridgeview. We said it everyday, and at all the meetings, so it means quite a bit to me. Therefore, it is my tattooed on me. :) I've actually had a couple people walk up to me and say, "You know, I've been having a really bad day today and then I looked up and saw your tattoo. Now I feel so much better!" It turns out they were in some sort of recovery as well. ANYWAYS, my point is that I have to get that whole tattoo covered up. I spent almost two hours with a wonderful lady at Macy's Perimeter Mall trying to get my other very small tattoo covered up perfectly, but sadly it takes a lot of time and nothing matches my skin right. Regardless of how kinda off it looks, I spent about $73 on all the tattoo cover up, and am dreading putting it on.

At 1:30am our big show begins! I hope to see you all there! Get there early...very early. Usually people begin to line up 2 hours in advance. The line usually goes out the hotel and wraps around twice...or something like that. At the end of the show, the lights will come on and everyone will be allowed to leave. Hopefully some of you that are reading this will actually be coming and will be able to take some time out of your night to stop by the stage and say hello before you leave. Trust me, I will be waiting with my fingers crossed! So that's what's happening on Saturday.

Sunday is a pretty chill day. We are going to party hard and have a lot of fun. I will be working again at the LDOD table somewhere between 4-7...I'm not certain of the exact time. If you go up to the table, you can always ask the person working when I come on. Later that night there is some sort of Dragon*Con rave which I plan on attending. Hopefully it is a lot of fun. I love dubstep music and would love to get my dance on.
So that is this weekend in a nut shell. Hopefully I can get some pictures up, emphasis on the hopefully. See you all soon!!

<3 Always,
Polina aka Angel

1 comment:

Gabe said...

That picture is all rawrs!