Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've got a secret!

Day 60
Special thanks to Derrick Tyson for taking this fabulous photo of me!!
So even though I had a minor set back due to my schedule, things have not slowed down. I received a message from CBS news yesterday, and they just wanted to ensure me that they have not forgotten about me and that they are still in talks with the producer about the story and how it will be done. :)

In other news, I believe that something BIG is heading my way. However, I think I'm going to keep you guys on your toes for just a little bit and give myself some time to make sure that this is really coming. Who knows though, maybe if I get 200 views in one day, or at least 50 official followers (which ever comes first) I might just tell you early! :)

I hope you guys don't mind that I am doing this, but I honestly feel like it is for the best.

So, bullying story for the day. In fact, this story takes place...TODAY! I was at work earlier this morning when I mentioned to some co-workers that I was hungry and couldn't wait to get off of work so I could get something to eat. One of my co-workers then responded with, "What are you anorexic or something?" I responded with, "Actually, yes, thanks." He was blown away. There is a lesson in here folks. Please be careful in what you say. Even if you are saying something in a joking way, you might say something offensive and very hurtful. This is not the first time this has happened this week. Earlier, my professor was talking about eating disorders and making fun of people who have them. He said things like, "Who in their right mind would do such a thing?!" Here I am sitting in his class very upset and didn't have the courage to say anything.

In my opinion, having an eating disorder eats you whole. It takes over and you no longer have control of what you are doing. Some days I say to myself that I'm hungry and should eat, but then I realize that it is already 5:00pm and the day is almost over, I'll just eat the next day. So, please watch what you say, you never know a persons story unless, they share it with you.

In other news, I have finally had someone reach out to me after reading my blog. He found me on facebook and we have been talking quite often. Thought I'd give him a quick shout out! :) Anyways, today he had something quite different and drastic happen to him. I won't say what it was because it is not my place, but long story short, I was able to talk to him and tell him how great he handled it. He seemed upset because of how crazy the situation was, and I hope I'm right about this, but I really believe I helped. :)He then said, "Thanks for being here for me." That one sentence, probably made my week. This is what I am here for guys. I am here to help others. I am here to share my story, so people don't feel alone in the world. I have had a couple people tell me now that they love how open and honest I am, and honestly, there is no other way to have this blog. I will answer all questions, and I will be an open book to anyone.

Thanks for reading today's entry!
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<3 Angel

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