Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Keep Forgetting the Bullying Stories..

Day 39
I told you guys a couple entries ago that I would finish my entries with a bullying story from my past. Sad thing is, I kept forgetting to add them. So here is one for today. This is a story I haven't shared with anyone because I felt it make me look even more desperate and pathetic than I am.

When I was younger, I was trying SO hard to fit in. I even joined orchestra just because the popular kids were in it, even though I really wanted to be in band. So, one day before orchestra a couple of the popular kids came up to me and told me that they heard something REALLY exciting! They got my attention right away, even though today, I wish they didn't. So they began to tell me that this guy named Robert who was one of the popular kids had a crush on me. A smile went across my face from ear to ear. After I heard this news, I began to sit next to Robert in class, and try to make conversations, but he never seemed interested. So then one horrible day, I decided to be brave and ask Robert out. Robert started laughing and turned me down.

A few minutes later Robert walked up to the people that told me that he had a crush on me and told them what happened. It was then that I realized it was all a joke to see how I would react and to make fun of me. I was so crushed.

A few months later, the same senario happened with Robert's best friend. They told me that he liked me, but I told them if he really did, he should come up to me and ask me out himself. Later that day, he did. We dated for a little bit, but to this day I have no idea if it was real or just a joke. Even to this day when he and I are in the same room someone will say, "Hey did you know that these two dated?!" and then of course people would flip out and say they didn't believe it and laugh. I've asked a couple times if it was real and he continues to say it was...but I just don't believe him. It happened once before in that same circle of friends. Why wouldn't it happen again?

So that's my second bullying story. Kinda messed up, don't you think?

1 comment:

Ricky said...

It hard when we were younger to think of relationships that seem real but you always wondered if they were really there for you.

I (we) have all done the same thing of listening to folks and taking them at face value before we learned to be more skeptical. The world/experience makes us more suspicious, cautious of those we meet or what comes out of folks mouth. Time is the piece that helps us see sincerity. We all are alone in any way. We just look for others to help fill the space (even ideas of "god" cannot close up all the space).