Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A tough decison

Day 58
Decided to post this pictures so you can all see my hair color. It changes pretty often, but here it is, PLATINUM BLONDE!

So last night my boyfriend and I were hanging out and we got to talking about the Bullied documentary. We then decided that it is probably best for me to turn down the opportunity because with work and school I just don't have the time to sit down myself and film on my own. They were asking me to film on my own and then send it to them because they wanted a more person feel to it. I had all these great ideas about interviewing people such as old teachers and my friend that was the there the day I attempted suicide, but with all the things going on right now, it just doesn't seem doable.

So, at the moment, this is a minor setback, but it is a set back that I believe won't keep me back for a while. :) Gotta stay positive and strong.

Have a great day guys!


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