Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Post Dragon*Con Blues

Day 34

Hello everyone!Well, this last weekend was quite an event! Our Friday show went well, my brother Boris and his girlfriend came and sat in the front row. That made me quite happy. To me, my brother is like the most popular guy everywhere he goes..I was back stage peaking through the curtain and I could see him talking to the whole row behind him, sharing the glow sticks he bought. Everyone seemed to really like him. Is it weird to say that I always wished to be like my brother? I invite him places because I know people will be like, "Oh man, your brother is awesome, you should bring him around more often!" Chances are, if I will bringing him along...wouldn't that kinda make me cool too?

On Saturday, our show began a little late...well, a lot late. We went on around 3:00am and didn't finish until 5:10am. I was exhausted. Spencer and I practically ran to our hotel room afterwards to go to sleep. Boy did I sleep well! Only problem...Spencer woke up bright and early starving for food. We of course got up, and went to the Con Suite where they offer free food. While we were there, we ran into someone I met at our table the day before. She was pretty cool, she kinda looked like Drew Barrymore. Anyways, she told me that she came to the show and really enjoyed it. Before I forget to mention this...some guy who was pretty drunk decided to jump onto our stage during the show, and hide on top of our "Dinner table" for one of our scenes. We kinda played it off. In fact, we played it off so well that this girl had no idea that it was some random guy! Yes, that was my random fact for this blog!

Now, Sunday was probably the best day out of them all. Even though the weather changed for the worse and began to rain and was pretty chilly, we got to hang out with some pretty cool people. We hung out with a guy named Nate, we met him once before at a Celldweller concert. Then at night we met up with a now good friend of mine, Amber. We all hung out in our hotel room, just hanging out and having a good time. We all got pretty close, and kinda talked about life and how interesting and yet really messed up it is. It was a lot of fun!

Moving on...I have of course saved the best for last!! I went to a Back to the Future panel, and got to see the real live actor that played Doc Brown!!! It was absolutely amazing! My father had shown me that movie for the first time when I was just a little kid, so I have seen that movie so many times before and it was kinda like, "Wow, this is a guy from the movies. This is a guy that has been through what I am going through. This guy, made a name for himself." I couldn't even tell you how badly I wanted to go up to the mic during Q&A and tell him that I am a struggling actress and wanted advice/help in any way. Of course I didn't. Even though I think this blog is a great idea and I am praying that someone important will read it...I can't help but think that I am stupid for this whole thing. How many of my dreams must break before I quit trying?

To end this kidna all over the place entry..I am really bummed that the weekend is over. I miss all the great people I was able to hang out with, and I really miss being on stage in front of a sold out crowd. Who knows, maybe more applause will come again in my future?

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